Publications by Talia Gabay
Mammal data - Negev Highland NEW
P <- P_byplot[grepl("Negev Highlands",Unit),][order(Cycle_number,Site)][,Site:=factor(Site)] Negev Highlands - Richness by camera Monitoring started in 2014 (5 monitoring cycles), Each site as two types of plots - near or far from Settlements. There are 5 sites total - Bislach, Ezuz, Merhav Am, Sde Boker, Yeruham Each has 5 sampling points exce...
1703 sym Python (56566 sym/161 pcs) 23 img 5 tbl
INPA mammal data for presentation
Data validation and exploration #change all parameters that will be used in the model to factors:$Species=as.factor($Species) print(levels($Species)) ## [1] "Capra nubiana" "Gazella dorcas" ## [3] "Gazella gazella" "Gazella gazella acaciae" ## [5] "Lutra ...
1710 sym 21 img 49 tbl
INPA mammal data
#change all parameters that will be used in the model to factors:$Species=as.factor($Species) print(levels($Species)) ## [1] "Capra nubiana" "Gazella dorcas" ## [3] "Gazella gazella" "Gazella gazella acaciae" ## [5] "Lutra lutra"$Sit...
42 sym Python (5233 sym/25 pcs) 3 img 11 tbl
Mammal data Arid Desert - updated with distance from settlement
P <- P_byplot[grepl("Arid Desert",Unit),][order(Cycle_number,Site)][,Site:=factor(Site)] Arid Desert - Richness by camera Monitoring started in 2014 (5 monitoring cycles), Each site as two types of plots - near or far from Agriculture. There are 5 sites total - Ein Yahav, Lotan, Paran, Yotvata, Zofar Each has 5 sampling points except for Paran ...
1371 sym Python (83689 sym/154 pcs) 22 img 5 tbl
Mammal data Planted Conifer Forest
P <- P_byplot[grepl("Planted Conifer Forests",Unit),][order(Cycle_number,Site)][,Site:=factor(Site)] Planted Conifer Forests - Richness by camera Monitoring started in 2014 (5 monitoring cycles), Each site as two types of plots - near or far from Settlements. There are 5 sites total - Bislach, Ezuz, Merhav Am, Sde Boker, Yeruham Each has 5 sampl...
1526 sym Python (106481 sym/136 pcs) 15 img 5 tbl
Mammal data Arid Desert - updated with distance from settlement
P <- P_byplot[grepl("Arid Desert",Unit),][order(Cycle_number,Site)][,Site:=factor(Site)] Arid Desert - Richness by camera Monitoring started in 2014 (5 monitoring cycles), Each site as two types of plots - near or far from Agriculture. There are 5 sites total - Ein Yahav, Lotan, Paran, Yotvata, Zofar Each has 5 sampling points except for Paran ...
1352 sym Python (81625 sym/139 pcs) 18 img 5 tbl
Mammal data Arid Desert - errors with species models
Let’s first validate the data: community analysis using package MVabund spp_no_rare <- abu_by_spp.AridDesert[,27:40] print(colSums(spp_no_rare)) ## Canis aureus Canis lupus Capra nubiana Dama mesopotamica ## 264 237 394 0 ## Equus hemionus Gazella dorcas Gazell...
322 sym 5 img
Mammal data Negev Highland - distance from settlement UPDATED
P <- P_byplot[grepl("Negev Highlands",Unit),][order(Cycle_number,Site)][,Site:=factor(Site)] Negev Highlands - Richness by camera Monitoring started in 2014 (5 monitoring cycles), Each site as two types of plots - near or far from Settlements. There are 5 sites total - Bislach, Ezuz, Merhav Am, Sde Boker, Yeruham Each has 5 sampling points exce...
1227 sym Python (34918 sym/99 pcs) 12 img 5 tbl
Mammal data Arid Desert - distance from agriculture (numeric)
P <- P_byplot[grepl("Arid Desert",Unit),][order(Cycle_number,Site)][,Site:=factor(Site)] Arid Desert - Richness by camera Monitoring started in 2014 (5 monitoring cycles), Each site as two types of plots - near or far from Agriculture. There are 5 sites total - Ein Yahav, Lotan, Paran, Yotvata, Zofar Each has 5 sampling points except for Paran ...
1883 sym Python (51468 sym/119 pcs) 16 img 5 tbl
Mammal data Arid Desert - distance from agriculture (categorial)
P <- P_byplot[grepl("Arid Desert",Unit),][order(Cycle_number,Site)][,Site:=factor(Site)] Arid Desert - Richness by camera Monitoring started in 2014 (5 monitoring cycles), Each site as two types of plots - near or far from Agriculture. There are 5 sites total - Bislach, Ezuz, Merhav Am, Sde Boker, Yeruham Each has 5 sampling points except for S...
2170 sym Python (67705 sym/115 pcs) 12 img 7 tbl