Publications by Talia Gabay
Bird data - Conifer Forest (Talia's version)
## Loading required package: readxl ## Loading required package: lubridate ## ## Attaching package: 'lubridate' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:data.table': ## ## hour, isoweek, mday, minute, month, quarter, second, wday, week, ## yday, year ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## date, ...
4139 sym Python (81917 sym/215 pcs) 74 img 16 tbl
Mammal data - Conifer forest with + without interaction
P <- P_byplot[grepl("Planted Conifer Forests",Unit),][order(Cycle_number,Site)][,Site:=factor(Site)] Planted Conifer Forests - Richness by camera Monitoring started in 2014 (5 monitoring cycles), Each site has only one plot that is far from Settlements. There are 15 sites total, each site has 5 sampling points Let’s first validate the data: #...
1675 sym Python (71720 sym/216 pcs) 26 img 2 tbl
Bird data - Maquis - subunit without interactions
out <- prepare_bird_data() ## Loading required package: readxl ## Loading required package: lubridate ## ## Attaching package: 'lubridate' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:data.table': ## ## hour, isoweek, mday, minute, month, quarter, second, wday, week, ## yday, year ## The following objects are masked from 'package...
4531 sym Python (79957 sym/197 pcs) 19 tbl
Bird data - Maquis - subunit WITH interactions
out <- prepare_bird_data() ## Loading required package: readxl ## Loading required package: lubridate ## Loading required package: timechange ## ## Attaching package: 'lubridate' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:data.table': ## ## hour, isoweek, mday, minute, month, quarter, second, wday, week, ## yday, year ## The fo...
4207 sym Python (81931 sym/164 pcs) 9 tbl
Bird data - Maquis - subunit without interactions
out <- prepare_bird_data() ## Loading required package: readxl ## Loading required package: lubridate ## Loading required package: timechange ## ## Attaching package: 'lubridate' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:data.table': ## ## hour, isoweek, mday, minute, month, quarter, second, wday, week, ## yday, year ## The fo...
4797 sym Python (77844 sym/184 pcs) 19 tbl
Mammal data - Maquis (Talia)
P <- P_byplot[grepl("Mediterranean Maquis",Unit),][order(Cycle_number,Site)][,Site:=factor(Site)] Mediterranean Maquis - Richness by camera Monitoring started in 2014 (5 monitoring cycles), Each site has two types of plots - far or near settlements There are 15 sites total, each site has 5 sampling points Let’s first validate the data: #inclu...
2020 sym Python (39956 sym/138 pcs) 11 img 7 tbl
Mammal data mediterranean units by unit + site + only far
P <- P_byplot[Unit %in% c("Herbaceous and Dwarf Shrub Vegetation", "Mediterranean Maquis", "Planted Conifer Forests")] Monitoring started in 2014 (5 monitoring cycles) 3 Mediterranean units, conifer forest and herbaceous have only far from settlements Each site was sampled for 5 monitoring cycles Let’s first validate the data: #include rare spec...
2068 sym 14 img 2 tbl
Mammal data national by site (14/07/2023)
P <- P_byplot Monitoring started in 2014 (5 monitoring cycles) There are 53 sites total, Sites are located either near or far from Settlements or near or far from agriculture. Most sites have 2 plot types except for conifer forest and herbaceous and dwarf shrub vegetation (only far). Inland sand also has a division according to dune status - shi...
2044 sym 13 img 2 tbl
Mammal data desert units by unit and plot + only far
P <- P_byplot[Unit %in% c("Arid Desert", "Inland Sands", "Mediterranean Desert Transition Zone", "Negev Highlands")] Monitoring started in 2014 (5 monitoring cycles) 4 desert units, each have 2 types of transects - near or far from settlements/agriculture Each site was sampled for 5 monitoring cycles besides inland sand sites, which were sampled ...
2163 sym Python (95717 sym/298 pcs) 28 img 7 tbl
Mammal data national + only far (11/07/2023)
P <- P_byplot Monitoring started in 2014 (5 monitoring cycles) There are 53 sites total, Sites are located either near or far from Settlements or near or far from agriculture. Most sites have 2 plot types except for conifer forest and herbaceous and dwarf shrub vegetation (only far). Inland sand also has a division according to dune status - shi...
2271 sym 15 img 2 tbl