Publications by Stéphane Laurent

Enneper surface with square checkerboard


In a previous post, I showed how to use the CGAL parameterizations ported to my package cgalMeshes to decorate the Enneper surface of order three with a radial checkerboard. Here I will show how to map an ordinary, square checkeboard on the Enneper surface of order two. library(cgalMeshes) library(rgl) # E...

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Elliptic cyclide by inversion of a torus


An elliptic Dupin cyclide can be obtained by inversion of a torus with respect to a sphere. In the previous post, I showed a rotoid (an helix) dancing around a cyclide: I constructed this dancing rotoid in the same way as the dancing rotoid around a torus: Click here ...

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The torus and the elliptic cyclide


The most used parameterization of the ordinary torus (the donut) is: \[ \textrm{torus}_{R,r}(u, v) = \begin{pmatrix} (R + r \cos v) \cos u \\ (R + r \cos v) \sin u \\ r \sin v \end{pmatrix}. \] The elliptic Dupin cyclide is a generalization of the torus. It has three nonnegative parameters \(c < \m...

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Implicitization for the spherical trochoid


If you didn’t read or if you don’t remember my post Using implicitization to split a ball, take a look at it before reading this one. To sum up, I took a spherical curve, namely a satellite curve, and I derived a surface whose intersection with the sphere is the satellite curve. I did that thanks to the so-called...

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The Cantor expansion revisited


On my former blog, I wrote a post about the Cantor expansion of a natural integer. This is a generalization of the well-known binary expansion. For example, the Cantor \((3,4,5)\)-expansion of a natural integer \(N\) is a triplet \[ (\epsilon_0, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) \in \{0,1,2\} \times \...

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The pretty Klein j-invariant function


Here are four representations of the Klein j-invariant function: The Klein j-invariant function is a complex function defined on the upper half-plane of the complex numbers. On the above pictures, we mapped it to a circle with the inverse modified Cayley transformation, which is defined by \[ \Psi(z)...

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Enneper surface with rotating checkerboard


The github branch of my Github repository cgalMeshes has a vignette explaining how to use parameterizations of surface meshes. A parameterization allows to map a texture on a mesh. Some of them are conformal, meaning that they preserve the angles (the best they can). To install this branch with the vignette, ...

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A dull and shadowed ‘rgl’ mesh


The visualization of a rgl mesh is rather shiny by default. We’ll see how to make it dull and shadowed. Take for instance the Barth sextic: ## Barth sextic is the isosurface f=0 #### phi <- (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2 f <- function(x, y, z){ 4 * (phi^2*x^2 - y^2) * (phi^2*y^2 - z^2) * (phi^2*z^2 - x^2) - (1 + 2*phi) * (x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - 1)...

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Drawing a tubular path with Julia


I implemented the framed closed curves exposed in this blog post, in Julia and R. In fact it is useless with R, because the rgl function cylinder3d is faster and better. Here is the Julia implementation: using LinearAlgebra using Quaternions using Meshes # quaternion corresponding to "the" rotation mapping u to v function...

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Using implicitization to split a ball


I introduced the Gröbner implicitization and the giacR package in the previous post. We will see an application here. Consider this satellite curve: satelliteCurve <- function(t, rho = 3/4) { A <- cospi(rho) B <- sinpi(rho) cost <- cos(t) cos2t <- cos(2*t) sint <- sin(t) sin2t <- sin(2*t) cbind( ...

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