Publications by Stéphane Laurent

Why I like generalized fiducial inference


Throughout this article, one considers the balanced one-way ANOVA model with a random factor (group). The between standard deviation and the within standard deviation are denoted by \(\sigma_{\mathrm{b}}\) and \(\sigma_{\mathrm{w}}\) respectively. The grand mean is denoted by \(\mu\). The nu...

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Generalized fiducial inference on quantiles


My new package ‘gfiExtremes’ is on CRAN now. So it is time to present it. This package allows to get confidence intervals about the quantiles of any reasonable distribution (although the inference is based on a parametric model). The statistical inference is fiducial. To give an illust...

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Bookmarking a Shiny app without Shiny bookmarking


I do not well remember, but it seems to me I faced some difficulties when I tried to use Shiny bookmarking to save and restore the state of a Shiny app. These difficulties arose when there were some renderUI in the app or an input updated with an updateXXXinput function. Then I’m using my own way...

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Clipping an isosurface to a ball, and more


We will firstly show how to clip an isosurface to a ball with R, and then, more generally, how to clip a surface to an arbitrary region. In the last part we show how to achieve the same with Python. Using R The Togliatti isosurface, clipped to a box The Togliatti surface is the isosurface \(f(x, ...

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Surface reconstruction with R(CGAL)


Eric Dunipace recently released a new package on CRAN: RcppCGAL. It allows to link to the C++ library CGAL in Rcpp. The CGAL library provides an extensive set of algorithms for computational geometry. I made a package based on RcppCGAL, which I called RCGAL. Unfortunately, R CMD CHECK throw...

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Funny 3D Voronoï diagrams


Four years ago I wrapped the C library Qhull in a Haskell package. Thanks to Qhull, this package can do some convex hulls and some Delaunay tessellations. The Qhull library also allows to do some Voronoï tessellations, but I never understood how that works. So I programmed the Voronoï tessellation...

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‘gifski’ as a bash command using R


The gifski command-line utility is a great tool to make a GIF animation from a series of png files. At my work I’m using a laptop with Windows 10 and I don’t have admin rights. I don’t know how to install gifski on this laptop. But gifski is also the name of a R package which wraps th...

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Hopf torus with dynamic colors


In a recent post I explained how to decorate a surface with moving colors with the Python library PyVista. Here I expose this method for the R package rgl. I will take a Hopf torus with fives lobes for the illustration. The following R function is a slight modification of the parame...

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Some simple RStudio addins


In this blog post I introduce three small RStudio addins I did. ‘bracketify’ I prefer subsetting with the double brackets than with the dollar in R, because this is more readable in RStudio thanks to the syntax highlighting. That’s why I did bracketify. This addin replaces all occurr...

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Gyrotriangle (aka hyperbolic triangle) with moving colors


My package gyro has been freshly released on CRAN. I implemented the ideas given in this blog post in this package. It has a short vignette. The gyrodemos function provides some examples. But none of them explains how I did the moving colors on this polyhedra that you can see on the...

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