Publications by SP

EC1 Submission Checks


Checks on Level 2 data before marking as “ready for submission” to ESS-DIVE Created October 21, 2022 | Stephanie Pennington Checks/formatting we need to do: Arrange by Kit ID Check file name structure Check for duplicate Kit IDs Check where each flagged value falls Are file names in the correct structure? [Campaign]_[Sample Type]_[Analyte]...

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America’s GDP and its Contents Column Latest quarter: 2022 Q3 var value unit GDP 25.7 $, trillion Consumption 17.5 $, trillion Investment 4.6 $, trillion Govt spending 4.5 $, trillion Imports 4.0 $, trillion Exports 3.1 $, trillion Net exports -0.9 $, trillion Consumption/GDP 68.2 % Investment/GDP 17.9 % Govt ...

121 sym 2 img 1 tbl

Linear model


Load the necessary packages Question: Is it necessary to use install.packages() first? library(tidyverse) library(gapminder) Make a copy of the gapminder dataframe; call the new dataframe df1. df1 <- gapminder Inspect the data head(df1) ## # A tibble: 6 × 6 ## country continent year lifeExp pop gdpPercap ## <fct> <fct> ...

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Methods in Social Science


Rappel Variable dépendante et Variable indépendante celle-ci aussi appelée facteru ou parametre. Variables Quantitative continues Quantitative discrètes Qualitatives ordinales Qualitatives nominales Les tests statistique En résumé, les tests servent à déterminer des p-values par l’intermédiaire d’une statistique (ou variable de...

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Publish Document


Les tests: * Les Khi2 * Wilcoxon * ACM Ici on ne traite pas les données qualitatives kable(head(db_econfin_TP_u[,c(1,16)],2)) code Pourquoi ? 2020-04-17_18:00:19 J’ai peur que cela ne suffise pas pour que l’on change suffisamment nos habitudes pour remédier à la crise écologique… 2020-04-18_21:07:51 Je ne suis pas certaine qu’el...

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Tests statistiques pour l’analyse d’un questionnaire


Package à utiliser A Vérifier s’ils sont déjà téléchargés: library(dplyr); library(tidyr) ; library(readxl); library(ggplot2) Installez les packages si besoin à l’aide de install.packages() install.packages("ggplot2") Ici on ne traite pas les données qualitatives qui alors seront enlevées de la base de données kable(head(db_econfi...

6792 sym 23 img 5 tbl

Pulse on US economy


Pulse on the US Economy Column_1 Indicator Value Unit Period Freq GDP growth 3.2 % 2022-07-01 quarterly GDP forecast next qtr [a] 3.8 % 2022-10-01 quarterly Productivity 0.8 % 2022-07-01 quarterly Employment cost index 5.0 % 2022-07-01 quarterly Average hourly earnings 4.6 % 2022-12-01 ...

422 sym 20 img 7 tbl

Brexit--good for the UK?


GDP growth in Europe Column Countdown to Brexit June 2016: Referendum. Vote in favor of leaving the European Union. March 2017: UK formally triggers Article 50 and begins the two-year countdown to the UK formally leaving the EU. Article 50 extended a couple of times. 31 January 2020: UK leaves the EU and enters a transition period 31 De...

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Rs/Js Analysis Update 9/2020


Title: (From AGU) Using continuous sap flux and soil respiration datasets to infer the strength and speed of root-soil coupling in a deciduous forest Authors: Stephanie C. Pennington, Ben Bond-Lamberty, Charlotte Grossiord, Wenzhi Wang, Nate McDowell Target Journal: Overall Scientific Question: What is strength and speed of above-belowground coup...

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SRDB Summary


This is a summary of the number of studies per manipulation for each ecosystem type in the SRDB. Manipulation Type Summaries Irrigation M_Type Ecosystem_Type n_studies Irrigated Forest 28 Irrigated Grassland 22 Irrigated Agriculture 19 Irrigated Shrubland 5 Irrigated Savanna 2 Irrigated Bare 1 Irrigated Plantation 1 Irr...

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