Publications by Shin Lee



Case study: World Heritage Sites in Danger 1. Generate some research questions - 1,121 heretage sites like the Pyramids in Egypt - Which sites are threatened and where are they located? - Are there regions in the world where sitets are more endangered than in others? - What are the reasons that put a site at risk? 2. Find a source of data t...

1111 sym R (33688 sym/64 pcs) 3 img



Vectors We can simply consider a vector to be an ordered sequence of values of the same data type. A sequence is ordered such that the two sequences represented below are treated as two different entities by R: Vectors c(100,20,40,15,90) ## [1] 100 20 40 15 90 vector <- c(100,20,40,15,90) Type Example numeric c(1,2,3) logical/Boolean c(...

686 sym R (1622 sym/23 pcs) 2 img 1 tbl



Introduction to Web Scraping What is web scraping? Web scraping is the process of extracting a structural representation of data from a website. Example To collect user comments on an online news article Targeting the marking of the web page Parsing the web page into a tree representation Running an R script automatically I. Data on the intern...

2785 sym R (817 sym/7 pcs) 3 img



Parsing Loading and representing the contents of HTML/XML files in an R session Inspecting content on the Web: browser to display HTML content nicely Importing HTML files into R and extracting info. from them: parser in R to construct useful representations of HTML documents What is parsing? Reading vs. Parsing Reading does not care to underst...

2997 sym R (9352 sym/66 pcs) 2 img



library(XML) library(rvest) Manipulating URLs to access multiple pages over the last 2 weeks library(stringr) baseurl <- "" dates <- seq(from=as.Date("2021-10-25"), to=as.Date("2021-11-07"), by= "day") dates <- str_remove_all(dates, "-") urls <- str_c(baseurl, dates) urls ## [1] "https://news....

1826 sym R (137172 sym/105 pcs) 1 img



The contents of this class are an excerpt from the book “R Web Scraping Quick Start Guide” by Olgun Aydin. Why Selenium? We learned in previous classes that accessing particular information in webpages may be impeded when a site employs methods for dynamic data requests, especially through JavaScript objects. To solve the problem, we introdu...

10264 sym R (868 sym/8 pcs)



디지털미디어와 빅데이터 전통적 양적연구방법 설문조사 실험 내용분석 디지털 시대의 새로운 기회들 디지털 기술과 기기 확산 정보의 기록과 축적 정보의 수집, 처리, 분석 기술의 발전과 쉬운 접근성 디지털 미디어와 빅데이터 디지털 미디어 / 인터넷을 도...

2450 sym R (626 sym/17 pcs)