Publications by Shin Lee



Learning Objectives Describe a theoretical foundation of topic modeling methods Understand word co-occurrences as a way of analyzing topics Analyzing Topics Texts can be analyzed in terms of topics. This means we can analyze text in terms of what it is that it is written about in the first place. For example, consider how the topics covered in ...

13780 sym R (8973 sym/40 pcs) 4 img 1 tbl



의미 연결망 분석 <출처: 김영우, “Do it! 쉽게 배우는 R 텍스트 마이닝”, 2021, 이지스퍼블리싱> 단어의 의미는 문장에 함께 사용된 단어에 따라 달라집니다. 단어의 빈도를 분석하면 중요한 단어가 무엇인지는 알 수 있지만, 단어가 어떤 맥락에서 사용됐는지는 알 ...

6783 sym R (14373 sym/57 pcs) 7 img

ITM: Week15


R을 이용한 토픽모델링 여성에 대한 미디어 담론 분석 1990년부터 현재까지 여성 담론 주제 변화 추적 빅카인즈 중앙지 기사 중 헤드라인에 “여성” 혹은 “여자” 키워드 포함 기사 131534여건 분석 1. 코퍼스 준비 library(tidyverse) ## -- Attaching packages -------------------...

2338 sym R (25263 sym/112 pcs) 9 img



Toubleshooting How Do I Run the Selenium Server? rsDriver This function rsDriver manages the binaries needed for running a Selenium Server. If you have an error message like “Selenium message:session not created: This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 88”, then you may want to 1) set the “chromever” argument to be “9...

6679 sym R (3723 sym/18 pcs)



RSelenium Basics Introduction The goal of RSelenium is to make it easy to connect to a Selenium Server from within R. RSelenium provides R bindings for the Selenium Webdriver API. Selenium is a project focused on automating web browsers. RSelenium allows you to carry out uni...

5422 sym R (3587 sym/25 pcs) 1 tbl



Why Selenium? How to use RSelenium? #install.packages("RSelenium") library(RSelenium) How Do I Connect to a Running Server? RSelenium has a main reference class named rsDriver. To connect to a server, you need to instantiate a new rsDriver with appropriate options. Now we load Selenium drivers and start Selenium. It may take time, so please wa...

3634 sym R (2274 sym/16 pcs)



Web scraping in practice library(XML) library(rvest) library(stringr) Manipulating URLs to access multiple pages baseurl <- "" dates <- seq(from=20201025, to=20201031, by=1) urls <- str_c(baseurl, dates) urls ## [1] "" ## [2] "https://news.d...

2083 sym R (27568 sym/100 pcs)



If you want to knit this R Markdown to PDF, you may want to run the following R code, first: tinytex::install_tinytex() Review on web scraping library(XML) library(stringr) baseurl <- "" pages <- seq(from=1, to=1000, by=1) # Maximum of 1000 pages urls <- str_c(baseurl, pages) class(urls...

3304 sym R (3323 sym/13 pcs) 1 tbl



Web scraping in practice library(XML) library(rvest) library(stringr) page <- readLines("") page_parsed <- htmlParse(page) First Headline XPath: ‘//[@id="mArticle"]/div[2]/ul[3]/li[1]/div[2]/strong/a’ Second Headline XPath: ’//[@id="mArticle"]/div...

1594 sym R (125207 sym/46 pcs)



Regular Expression Last time, we learned some basic functions from the stringr package for handling and working with text in R. But in this course, we want to unleash the power of strings manipulation. So we are going to learn about regular expressions. What are Regular Expressions? The name “Regular Expression” does not say much. However, r...

13143 sym R (4411 sym/32 pcs)