Publications by Shiju Zhang



Introduction Data visualization is a powerful and essential tool in the realm of data analysis and communication. Its importance stems from its ability to make complex data more accessible, understandable, and insightful. Here are several key reasons why data visualization is crucial: Data Understanding: Visualizations provide a clear and intuitive...

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Chapter 1. Introduction and Overview When tossing a coin twice, we may get a sum of 2, 3, 4, …, or 12 points, so the result is uncertain. What is the most likely sum? Uncertainty refers to the situation where results or outcomes are not completely determined and depend on a number of factors and pure chance. It exists every moment in everyday lif...

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Machine Learning Topic 1: Dimension Reduction Introduction Data may encompass numerous variables. The inclusion of highly correlated or irrelevant variables with the outcome variable can result in overfitting, compromising the reliability of predictions. During model deployment, unnecessary variables may escalate costs associated with data collect...

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Introduction This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within t...

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Introduction This note provides key examples to the book 1 Data in R Section 1.1 Arithmetic and Variable Assignment x <- 4 y <- "Hello World!" z <- TRUE Section 1.2 Vectors p <- c(5, 8, 12, 55) q <- c("cat", "dog", "snake") r <- c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FA...

1954 sym

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Review of Probability and Distributions The properties of mean, variance, and covariance The additivity property of some distributions The moment-generating function as an analytic tool Sampling Distributions and the Central Limit Theorem (Chapter 7) The sampling distribution of the mean of a sample from a finite population The sampling distribu...

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Contact Information My E-Mail: Textbook/references I will be using the following resources: (Chapters 1, 2.1, 2.4.1, 3-7, 9, 10) (only...

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R reference (Chapters 1,5,6,7, and 10) Book Page Data manual: Book R Code ChatGPT Will Code for Us Register on

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What is Statistics Statistics is a branch of mathematics and a scientific discipline that involves the collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and organization of data. Its primary goal is to extract meaningful information from data, make inferences, and support decision-making processes. Statistics is broadly divided into two main bra...

7263 sym R (92 sym/1 pcs)

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Instructions: Answer all questions. Show your work where applicable. Question 1: One-Sample Hypothesis Testing (5 points) A company claims that their new software reduces the average response time for customer inquiries to less than 15 minutes. You collect a random sample of 20 customer inquiries and record the response times (in minutes) as follow...

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