Publications by Shenfeng Qiu
Sample preparation information This is the second experiment for two samples of MET TG (M3TG) and littermate control samples (CTL), using dissected visual cortex tissues, to see how MET TG affects cell types specific gene expressions. *** * Key Experimental Conditions: 1. M3TG breeding cages were on DOX from P0, then offspring are switched to...
7091 sym R (184850 sym/3 pcs) 54 img
This script is used for analysis of selected subsets/clusters after running Two_DRG_sample_scRNAseq_analysis load libraries # setwd("D:/Bioinformatics Projects/DRG") library(Seurat) library(dplyr) library(cowplot) library(ggplot2) library(rstatix) library(SingleCellExperiment) library(ComplexHeatmap) library(RColorBrewer) library(circliz...
1452 sym R (5007 sym/2 pcs) 13 img
DRG neurons two sample
Sample preparation information This experiment is in collaboration with Dr. Frank Porreca’s lab, purpose is to see how chronic stress treatment alters sensitivity to pain, and how it affects transcriptomic expression at single cell level of dorsal root ganglia cells. *** * Key Experimental Conditions: 1. Harrison did the chornic stress in ...
7118 sym R (180166 sym/3 pcs) 39 img
Sample scRNAseq analysis
Initialize relevant libraries Import libaries for analysis # setwd("D:/Bioinformatics Projects/sc_exp2") library(Seurat) library(dplyr) library(cowplot) library(ggplot2) library(rstatix) library(SingleCellExperiment) library(ComplexHeatmap) library(RColorBrewer) library(circlize) library(patchwork) Import two samples To minimize chang...
4822 sym R (180202 sym/3 pcs) 56 img
Qiu lab - UA COM-PHX
Sample Data, Two Photon dendritics pine imaging Lab Equipment - whole cell patch clamp electrophysiology and LSPS mapping Electrophysiology - different modalities Laser Scanning Photostimulation Combined with Glutamate Uncaging to map neural circuits Sample LSPS ciruit mapping data, somatosensory cortex Customized nanoliter volume injecti...
557 sym 17 img
Qiu lab - UA COM-PHX
This is most recent lab work, activated microglia surrounding amyloid plaques and dense core stained by Thio-S Coded murine behavior analysis, Ethovision raw data with MATLAB ploting Illustration of various behavior modality analysis Cre-dependent AAV-ChETA was injected in the PFC, followed by TAM injection to induce activity-dependent c...
3061 sym 22 img
Qiu lab - UA COM-PHX
Sample Data, Two Photon dendritics pine imaging Lab Equipment - whole cell patch clamp electrophysiology and LSPS mapping Electrophysiology - different modalities Laser Scanning Photostimulation Combined with Glutamate Uncaging to map neural circuits Sample LSPS ciruit mapping data, somatosensory cortex Customized nanoliter volume injecti...
3616 sym 39 img