Publications by sam
PredictIt vs Five Thirty Eight: An explanation of the differences between prediction markets and polling models
If you’re like me you’ve been looking at FiveThirtyEight and PredictIt election probabilities multiple times a day. Recently I’ve been focusing on some interesting disagreements in electoral outcomes at the state level. For instance; FiveThirtyEight gives Pennsylvania, Michigan, Florida, Wisconsin and Ohio at least 20% lower probabilit...
2884 sym 4 img
Did the P-51 Mustang Defeat the Luftwaffe?
14 October 1943 – 291 US Army Air Force (USAAF) heavy bombers took off from England to attack a Ball Bearing factory in the heart of Germany. The goal was to destroy the Nazi war machine’s fighting ability and means of war production. As the bombers flew deeper into enemy territory their supporting escorts had to return to England due to th...
23127 sym 22 img 1 tbl
Did the P-51 Mustang Defeat the Luftwaffe?
14 October 1943 – 291 US Army Air Force (USAAF) heavy bombers took off from England to attack a Ball Bearing factory in the heart of Germany. The goal was to destroy the Nazi war machine’s fighting ability and means of war production. As the bombers flew deeper into enemy territory their supporting escorts had to return to England due to th...
23127 sym 22 img 1 tbl
R Markdown Presentation & Plotly
2022-05-11 Loading necessary packages library(plotly) ## Loading required package: ggplot2 ## ## Attaching package: 'plotly' ## The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2': ## ## last_plot ## The following object is masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter ## The following object is masked from 'package:graphics': ## ...
132 sym R (1352 sym/14 pcs)
Tokyo Tower by leaflet()
May 09, 2022 library(leaflet) ## Warning: package 'leaflet' was built under R version 4.1.3 map <- leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>% addMarkers(lng=139.7454, lat=35.6586, popup="Tokyo Tower") map ...
22 sym R (178 sym/3 pcs)