Publications by Laky, Ryann
Laky_Exam 3
Part 1: Problem to be Completed in R Use R to complete the following question. Provide the instructor with the output from your code as either screenshots pasted in Word, or as output generated in an HTML document. Submit both your code and output in Brightspace. Make sure all textual explanations match the output that you provide the instructor. ...
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Laky_Homework 5
You should complete the following problems in R. Be sure to provide the instructor with both your code and output. Load the homes dataset into R. This dataset contains information about houses sold in King County, Washington in 2014. homes <- read.csv("/Users/ryannlaky/Documents/University of Indianapolis/MSDA 622/Homework/Homework 5/homes.csv") ...
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Laky_Final Project
Indiana National Guard Retention Author: Ryann Laky With the appointment of the Indiana National Guard’s latest Adjutant General, Major General R. Dale Lyles, the motto for the state has also changed: ‘People First’. Over the years, the whole of the United States Army has come to realize that its greatest asset is its people. However, given...
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Laky_Exam 1
Question 1: Load the flight_data xls file into R. This file contains information about the speed of a plane at landing, and the distance along the runway required for the plane to come to a full stop. Use the b spline algorithm to develop a spline model with 5 degrees of freedom, with the column “speed” as the covariate, and the column “dista...
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Laky_Homework 2
1. Load the data_Windmill csv file into R. windmill <- read.csv("/Users/ryannlaky/Documents/University of Indianapolis/MSDA 622/Homework/Homework 2/data_Windmill.csv") str(windmill) ## 'data.frame': 25 obs. of 2 variables: ## $ Velocity: num 2.45 2.7 2.9 3.05 3.4 3.6 3.95 4.1 4.6 5 ... ## $ Output : num 0.123 0.5 0.653 0.558 1.057 ... 2. ...
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Laky_Homework 1
Part 1: Association Analysis 1. Load the bob_ross csv file into R. This data contains information about various paintings done by Bob Ross. Bob Ross was an American artist know for his TV show called The Joy of Painting. This dataset lists possible elements of each painting, such as a barn or tree, and whether they were present or absent. bobros...
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Homework 2
Question 1: Load Data, Single Regression Read the excel file titled Brokerage Satisfaction into R. You will use regression to predict the Overall_Satisfaction_with_Electronic_Trades. Remove any column(s) from the dataset that will likely not be useful in performing this task, and use all remaining columns of the dataset to perform a single regre...
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Laky_Homework 3
Part 1 Use the Brokerage Satisfaction excel file to answer the following questions in R. Create an R Markdown file to answer the questions, and then “knit” your file to create an HTML document. Your HTML document should contain both textual explanations of your answers, as well as all R code needed to support your work. Question 1 Read the...
5639 sym R (5206 sym/29 pcs)
Laky_Exam 2
Section 1 of Exam 1: Regression Model Read the csv file titled Training Data into R. All rows of this dataset should be used as your training set in the development of a regression model. This dataset contains information about some of Pfizer’s patent applications. Patent_Number = each patent application has a unique ID given to it Cites_Pat...
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Laky_Homework 4
Below are the headings of the three tables (flights, planes, and airports, in order) from the nycflights13 data set. #Question 1 library(nycflights13) library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## ...
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