Publications by Laky, Ryann

Laky_Homework 5


Part 1: Association Analysis 1. Load the TransFood excel file into R as a dataset of transactions. Each row in the dataset represents items purchased by a particular customer during one visit to a store. What is the largest total number of items purchased by a customer during one visit (i.e., what is the largest number of 1’s in any single row...

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Laky_Homework 6


Question 1. Load the penguins2 excel file into R, and convert the dataset into a data frame. Below is the code for loading the data as a data frame and the results of viewing the summary. library(readxl) penguins <-"/Users/ryannlaky/Documents/University of Indianapolis/MSDA 621/Homework/Homework 6/penguins2.xlsx")) summa...

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Laky_Homework 7


Question 1. Load the mpg excel file into R Markdown, and convert the dataset into a data frame. library(readxl) mpg <-"/Users/ryannlaky/Documents/University of Indianapolis/MSDA 621/Homework/Homework 7/mpg.xlsx")) summary(mpg) ## mpg acceleration ## Min. : 9.00 Min. : 8.00 ## 1st Qu.:17.50 1st ...

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Laky_Exam 2


Part 1: Predictive Models on the Iris Dataset Question 1. Load the data frame called iris in R using the following code: data(iris) Also, type the name of the data frame to view it in R using the following code: iris data(iris) iris ## Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species ## 1 5.1 3.5 1...

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Plato's Pizza Project


Plato’s Pizza Authors: Melissa Oberg, Tammy Brockman, Courtney Lambert, Ryann Laky Business Understanding Plato’s Pizza is a Greek-inspired pizza place in New Jersey. They have 15 tables and 60 seats. An assumption is made, based on the data, that this is related to dine-in orders only. Mario Maven, the restaurant’s manager, has been col...

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