Publications by Rubén F. Bustillo
Combinatoria: Permutaciones, variaciones y combinaciones con {ggtools}
Packages library(gtools) library(png) library(grid) Combinatoria y Factoriales La Combinatoria estudia las distintas formas de realizar agrupaciones de distintos elementos de un conjunto. Existen diversas formas de realizar dichas agrupaciones, teniendo en cuenta si los elementos o factores se repiten, si deben ser tenidos en cuenta de form...
6963 sym R (18444 sym/11 pcs) 5 img
Data visualization: Interactive and animated maps with {ggplot2} and {plotly} (Example IV)
Re In this post we will present a few examples of interactive and animated maps using both {ggplot2} and {plotly} . This post is a continuation of the previous one ( interactive and animated maps ) . Libraries / packages This post is just a continuation of the previous post on animated and interactive maps. We will show four examples of maps c...
439 sym R (1409 sym/4 pcs)
Data visualization: Interactive and animated maps with {ggplot2} and {plotly} (Example II)
Re In this post we will present a few examples of interactive and animated maps using both {ggplot2} and {plotly} . This post is a continuation of the previous one ( interactive and animated maps ) . Libraries / packages This post is just a continuation of the previous post on animated and interactive maps. We will show four examples of maps c...
443 sym R (1257 sym/4 pcs)
Data Visualizations: tooltip_chart() and tooltip_table()
Data Visualizations: tooltip_chart() and tooltip_table() Rubén F. Bustillo Sheet A. tooltip_chart() Sheet B. tooltip_table() Sheet C. tooltip_chart() & tooltip_table() --- title: "Data Visualizations: tooltip_chart() and tooltip_table()" author: "Rubén F. Bustillo" output: flexdashboard::flex_dashboard: orientation: col...
229 sym R (5018 sym/1 pcs)
Data Visualization: Stock valuation with {highchart} and {quantmod}
Data Visualization: Stock valuation with {highchart} and {quantmod} Rubén F. Bustillo Sheet A. Overview Column ibex 7,070.6 eu50 2,892.79 eudol 1.092741 brent 31.87 Gold 1,740.6 Bitcoin 6,270.408 FTSE100 5,842.7 S&P500 2,789.82 column column Sheet B. Comparison | Time Series Column Spanish Banks Column Time Seri...
451 sym R (9186 sym/1 pcs)
Data visualization: leaflet maps (part I)
Data visualization: Leaflet Maps (Part I) Basic Map Column Leaflet is an open source JavaScript library used to build web mapping applications. It creates embedding maps with tiled base layers, interactive panning and zooming and feature layers. The {leaflet} R package allows to integrate and control Leaflet maps in R and to create maps fr...
1295 sym R (6724 sym/1 pcs)
Data visualization: Treemaps with {treemap}, {d3treeR} and {highcharter}
Data visualization: Treemaps with {treemap}, {d3treeR} and {highcharter} Peru Column This dashboard is a continuation of a previous post. As we explained in there, in a treemap chart each brand of a “tree” is given a rectangle, which is then tiled with smaller rectangles. Then, each area is proportional to a specified dimension of the d...
3208 sym R (13137 sym/1 pcs) 4 img
Data visualization: Sunburst and Treemaps
Data visualization: Sunburst charts and Treemaps with {plotly} Rubén F. Bustillo Peru Column Sunburst Charts and Treemaps can be very useful for displaying hierarchical data. In a sunburst chart (o ring chart) each level of the hierarchy is represented by one circle (or ring), with the innermost circle as the top of the hierarchy. In...
2722 sym R (7754 sym/1 pcs)
Data visualization: Interactive and animated maps with {ggplot2} and {plotly}
Re In this post we will present a few examples of interactive and animated maps using both {ggplot2} and {plotly} . This post is a continuation of the previous one ( interactive and animated maps ) . Libraries / packages This post is just a continuation of the previous post on animated and interactive maps. We will show four examples of maps c...
527 sym R (3946 sym/8 pcs)
Working with the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) of Eurostat
Working with the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) of Eurostat Rubén F. Bustillo Simple Feature (Sf) Columna OVERVIEW The Nomenclature of Territorial Statistical Units (NUTS) are the set of territorial demarcations of the EU created by Eurostat for statistical and analytical purposes. The geographical regions a...
4348 sym R (62372 sym/1 pcs) 104 img