Publications by Rubén F. Bustillo

Data visualizations: Maps using geographic coordinates


Data visualizations: Maps using geographic coordinates Rubén F. Bustillo Row Base Map Map locations I Map locations II Change coordinates xlim & ylim Using borders("world") Using borders("world", regions = "USA") USA cities USA map with map_data("state") Map with {raster} (level=2) Map with {raster} (le...

441 sym R (17928 sym/1 pcs) 20 img

Data visualizations: Choropleth Maps


Choropleth maps with {ggplot2} and {mapdata} Rubén F. Bustillo Row Base Map Color gradient Color gradient with {Viridis} Set breaks with scale_fill_gradientn() Logarithmic scale Colors for group intervals Colors with scale_fill_manual() Facets with facet_wrap() Subregion with xlim() & ylim() Subregion w...

475 sym R (16729 sym/1 pcs) 22 img

Data visualizations: Box Plots


Data Visualizations: Box plots Rubén F. Bustillo Sheet A Column geom_boxplot() geom_boxplot(color = "blue") | coord_flip() Column scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set2") | scale_x_discrete(limits = c("Europe", "Oceania", "Asia", "Americas", "Africa")) scale_fill_manual(values = c("lightblue", "green", "yellow", "red", "purple" )) Co...

2087 sym R (16799 sym/1 pcs) 46 img

Data visualizations: Bar Charts


Data Visualizations: Bar Charts Rubén F. Bustillo Sheet A Column summarise(promedio = mean(lifeExp)) reorder(continent, -promedio, sum) Column x= reorder(continent, promedio, sum) scale_x_date(breaks = grafico_spain$year, date_labels = "%Y") / geom_col(fill = "limegreen", alpha = 0.8) Column coord_flip() coord_flip() Sheet B ...

1827 sym R (25914 sym/1 pcs) 68 img

Visualization themes {ggpplot2} {ggtheme} {ggthemer}


themes {ggplot2}, {ggthemes}, {ggthemer} Rubén F. Bustillo THEMES (a) Column Default theme theme_bw() Column theme_classic() theme_dark() Column theme_light() theme_linedraw() THEMES (b) Column theme_minimal() theme_void() Column theme_base() theme_calc() Column theme_clean() theme_economist() THEMES (c) Column th...

1587 sym 100 img

Utilizando R en Power Bi


Re Power Bi es una herramienta de Business Inteligence (BI) de Microsoft. Un aspecto interesante es que Power Bi permite fácilmente utilizar el lenguaje de R en diversas fases del proceso de análisis. Power Bi Power Bi es un recientemente nuevo servicio de Business Inteligence (BI) y análisis empresarial desarrollado por Microsoft. Esta herr...

12875 sym 17 img

coronavirus dashboard with {flexdashboard} (part II)


Coronavirus (II) Rubén F. Bustillo TOTAL Column Confirmed Cases (daily) Column Recovered Cases (cumulative) Death Cases (cumulative) Column lastupdate 2020-03-22 confirmed 335,955 active 223,619 (66.6%) recovered 97,704 (29.1%) death 14,632 (4.4%) TOTAL (b) Active, recovered and death cases over time (cumulative case...

2795 sym R (47160 sym/1 pcs)

coronavirus dashboard with {flexdashboard}


Coronavirus Rubén F. Bustillo Sidebar Last Update 2020-03-22 This dashboard presents information on COVID-19. The {coronavirus} dataset package is available on CRAN and comes from the John Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering. The {coronavirus} dataset is updated daily by @Rami_Krispin (https://ramikrispin.g...

1224 sym R (12506 sym/1 pcs) 2 img

Food consumption and CO2 emissions due to food products (tidytuesday contribution)


Re In this post, intented to be a small contribution to the tidytuesday project, we will use the package {echarts4r} to visualizate in a map the food consumption and CO2 emissions from 130 countries. Intro This short post is going to be my first and small contribution to Tidytuesday project. I will use the package {echarts4r} to plot in a map t...

849 sym R (1419 sym/7 pcs)

Representación de la evolución temporal de alguna variable (parte I)


Resumen Este post tiene como objetivo presentar algunas posibles formas de representar la evolución temporal de alguna variable. Utilizaremos el dataframe gapminder del conocido paquete del mismo nombre. Paquetes library(tidyverse) library(gapminder) library(echarts4r) library(gganimate) library(viridis) library(hrbrthemes) library(DT) ...

4930 sym R (5299 sym/9 pcs) 3 img