Publications by

Update to piwikproR: fetching DateTimes via API


Last weekend I fixed some issues with my R-package piwikproR The new version 0.3.1 is now available at CRAN So let’s have a look at the changes: The main change is that you now can fetch DateTime values from PIWIK PRO when you are using the API-endpoints /sessions or /events. The previous version just removed the time component and converted th...

1140 sym

Custom Formats in gt Tables


The “grammar of tables” is used to build tables with the R-package gt. Thomas Mock published an extension package called gtExtras which is used all over in tweets about NFL and Fantasy Football such as win and loss history information in a table. gt follows a similar philosophy such as ggplot2. On the one hand there is the data to be shown (i...

1958 sym R (1491 sym/10 pcs) 9 tbl

Accessing Snowflake with R


Snowflake is a well known cloud-based database. It’s used for Data Warehouses and other big data applications. In this article and the following ones I want to show how to setup and access a snowflake database from various clients such as R, Tableau and PowerBI. So let’s start using R. Setup Snowflake Assuming that we already have access to a...

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Lists to Data.Frames with imap


When working with data which is a result of json-data converted to a list of lists of lists of lists … (you know what mean ;-)) I often want to convert it a data.frame. Unfortunately there’s often a list in the source data which is unnamed. Or the list in one row is longer than the one in another row. So converting it straight forward into a ...

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