Publications by
Interesting Article about dplyr
dplyr is a wonderful package for data wrangling. It’s far more useful than pandas at the python front. There’s also a constant development to make this package even more useful. If you want to see what you can do with the latest version I suggest you have a look at this awesome article with examples. I’ve enjoyed reading it. Related To le...
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Update of SARS-CoV-2 Shiny App
I’ve updated my Shiny-App. Now you can switch between Bundesländer and Landkreise: The lineplot showing the development of Covid-19 infections per day contains one or two additional lines for comparison: The value of the chosen Bundesland and for whole Germany: For more information about the shiny app please read here. Related To leave a c...
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Hosting a Shiny App at
As I mentioned earlier I’ve built a shiny app to visualize the development of SARS-CoV-2 in Germany. Running it locally works very well. But how to deploy an app in the web? There is a free service at where you can host your shiny app. But the free plan offers only a fixed amount of memory. The data my app is reading consumes more ...
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Hosting a Shiny App using Docker
I used for my own shiny app. It’s a great service. You can deploy your app for free, test it and show it to other people. But there’s also a downside: The memory an app can use is limited. So I was looking for another way to deploy my app. So I took a look at Docker. What is Docker? A Docker container contains all programs and li...
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A New Animation of the Spreading of SARS-CoV-2 in Germany
Update 2020-11-28: I’ve updated the resulting image with data until Nov 27, 2020. In August I published first an animation of the spreading of SARS-CoV-2 in Germany. Some days ago I found a similar visualization for Austria by Matthias Schnetzer. But he uses a different scale. His worst colour is for 150 incidents per 100,000 residents during t...
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Iterating over the lines of a data.frame with purrr
I sometimes have a function which takes some parameters and returns a data.frame as a result. Then I have a data.frame where each row of it is a set of parameters. So I like to apply the function to each row of the parameter-data.frame and rbind the resulting data.frames. There are several ways to do it. Let’s have a look: The function … So l...
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How to change datasources in Tableau
At work I’m using Tableau as a tool for visualizing data with the possibility for the user to filter the data he’s looking at. So the user doesn’t need to program. He can use just is mouse which is great for people who don’t know exactly how to work with data. All this typical data mangling is hidden below the glamorous surface. Unfortuna...
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Anomaly Detection with Prophet
How to detect the unexpected? Is the behaviour of some measured value normal or did something unexpected happen? To answer these questions we need to detect anomalous behaviour in a time series. In this article I want to show you how we can do this with prophet. Prophet is a library written by Facebook in python and R for prediction of time serie...
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Missing in Plots in Blogdown-Posts when using .Rmarkdown instead of .Rmd
Lately I’ve had the problem that ggplot2-plots were missing in my blogdown-posts. I discovered that this problem only occurs when I used .Rmarkdown instead of .Rmd. Going back to .Rmd was no option because I want to use syntax highlighting for the embedded R-code (see my article). After some googling I found
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Updated SARS-CoV-2 Shiny App
I’ve updated my Shiny App slightly. Because of the appearence of the mutation B 1.1.7 I want to see the current R-value, the current reproduction rate of the virus per Landkreis or Bundesland. The scientists suspect that B 1.1.7 has a 50% higher reproduction rate than the “normal” variant of the SARS-CoV 2 virus. So assuming that the old va...
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