Publications by rOpenSci - open tools for open science

2 Months in 2 Minutes – rOpenSci News, October 2019


rOpenSci HQ What would you like to hear about in an rOpenSci Community Call? We are soliciting your “votes” and new ideas for Community Call topics and speakers. Find out how you can influence us by checking out our new Community Calls repository. Videos, speaker’s slides, resources and collaborative notes from our Community Call on Reprod...

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rmangal: making ecological networks easily accessible


In early September, the version 2.0.0 of rmangal was approved by rOpenSci, four weeks later it made it to CRAN. Following-up on our experience we detail below the reasons why we wrote rmangal, why we submitted our package to rOpenSci and how the peer review improved our package. Mangal, a database for ecological networks Ecological networks are d...

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(Re)introducing skimr v2 – A year in the life of an open source R project


Theme song: PSA by Jay-Z We announced the testing version of skimr v2 on June 19, 2018. After more than a year of (admittedly intermittent) work, we’re thrilled to be able to say that the package is ready to go to CRAN. So, what happened over the last year? And why are we so excited for v2? Wait, what is a “skimr”? skimr is an R package for...

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tidync: scientific array data from NetCDF in R


In May 2019 version 0.2.0 of tidync was approved by rOpenSci and accepted to CRAN. Here we provide a quick overview of the typical workflow with some pseudo-code for the main functions in tidync. This overview is enough to read if you just want to try out the package on your own data. The tidync package is focussed on efficient data extraction f...

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rOpenSci Announces a New Award From The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to Improve the Scientific Package Ecosystem for R


Today we are pleased to announce that we have received new funding from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. The $894k grant will help us improve infrastructure for R packages and enable us to move towards a science first package ecosystem for the R community. You may have already noticed some developments on this front when we announced our au...

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Community Call – Last Night, Testing Saved my Life


To the uninitiated, software testing may seem variously boring, daunting or bogged down in obscure terminology. However, it has the potential to be enormously useful for people developing software at any level of expertise, and can often be put into practice with relatively little effort. Our 1-hour Call will include two speakers and at least 20 ...

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workloopR: Analysis of work loops and other data from muscle physiology experiments in R


Studies of muscle physiology often rely on closed-source, proprietary software for not only recording data but also for data wrangling and analyses. Although specialized software might be necessary to record data from highly-specialized equipment, data wrangling and analyses should be free from this constraint. It’s becoming more common for res...

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NumFOCUS recognizes Melina Vidoni and Will Landau for their contributions to rOpenSci


rOpenSci thrives because of volunteer contributions from community members – submitting and reviewing R packages, serving as editors for software peer review, writing blog posts, sharing information about packages and resources, contributing code and documentation and answering others’ questions. Recently our fiscal sponsor, NumFOCUS, gave us...

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rnassqs: accessing USDA agricultural data via API


The United States Deparment of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA-NASS) provides a wide range of agricultural data that includes animal, crop, demographic, economic, and environmental measures across a number of geographies and time periods. This data is available by direct download or queriable via the Quick Stats interfa...

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Introducing Mark Padgham, rOpenSci’s new Software Research Scientist


We’re thrilled to be introducing a new member of our team. Mark Padgham has joined rOpenSci as a Software Research Scientist working full-time from Münster, Germany. Mark will play a key role in research and development of statistical software standards and expanding our efforts in software peer review, enabled by new funding from the Sloan Fo...

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