Publications by rOpenSci - open tools for open science

Using Magick with RMarkdown and Shiny


This week magick 1.5 appeared on CRAN. The latest update adds support for using images in knitr documents and shiny apps. In this post we show how this nicely ties together a reproducible image workflow in R, from source image or plot directly into your report or application. library(magick) stopifnot(packageVersion('magick') >= 1.5) Also the ma...

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solrium 1.0: Working with Solr from R


Nearly 4 years ago I wrote on this blog about an R package solr for working with the database Solr. Since then we’ve created a refresh of that package in the solrium package. Since solrium first hit CRAN about two years ago, users have raised a number of issues that required breaking changes. Thus, this blog post is about a major version bump i...

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.rprofile: Mara Averick


Mara Averick is a non-profit data nerd, NBA stats junkie, and most recently, tidyverse developer advocate at RStudio. She is the voice behind two very popular Twitter accounts, @dataandme and @batpigandme. Mara and I discussed sports analytics, how attending a cool conference can change the approach to your career, and how she uses Twitter as a m...

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2017 rOpenSci ozunconf :: Reflections and the realtime Package


This year’s rOpenSci ozunconf was held in Melbourne, bringing together over 45 R enthusiasts from around the country and beyond. As is customary, ideas for projects were discussed in GitHub Issues (41 of them by the time the unconf rolled around!) and there was no shortage of enthusiasm, interesting concepts, and varied experience. I’ve been ...

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Six tips for running a successful unconference


Attendees at the May 2017 rOpenSci unconference. Photo credit: Nistara Randhawa In May 2017, I helped run a wildly successful “unconference” that had a huge positive impact on the community I serve. rOpenSci is a non-profit initiative enabling open and reproducible research by creating technical infrastructure in the form of staff- and commun...

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ochRe – Australia themed colour palettes


The second rOpenSci OzUnConf was held in Melbourne Australia a few weeks ago. A diverse range of scientists, developers and general good-eggs came together to make some R-magic happen and also learn a lot along the way. Before the conference began, a huge stack of projects were suggested on the unconf GitHub repo. For six data-visualisation enth...

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changes: easy Git-based version control from R


Are you new to version control and always running into trouble with Git? Or are you a seasoned user, haunted by the traumas of learning Git and reliving them whilst trying to teach it to others? Yeah, us too. Git is a version control tool designed for software development, and it is extraordinarily powerful. It didn’t actually dawn on me quite...

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Announcing a New rOpenSci Software Review Collaboration


rOpenSci is pleased to announce a new collaboration with the Methods and Ecology and Evolution (MEE), a journal of the British Ecological Society, published by Wiley press 1. Publications destined for MEE that include the development of a scientific R package will now have the option of a joint review process whereby the R package is reviewed by ...

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The Value of Welcome, part 2: How to prepare 40 new community members for an unconference


I’ve raved about the value of extending a personalized welcome to new community members and I recently shared six tips for running a successful hackathon-flavoured unconference. Building on these, I’d like to share the specific approach and (free!) tools I used to help prepare new rOpenSci community members to be productive at our unconferenc...

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Exploratory Data Analysis of Ancient Texts with rperseus


Introduction When I was in grad school at Emory, I had a favorite desk in the library. The desk wasn’t particularly cozy or private, but what it lacked in comfort it made up for in real estate. My books and I needed room to operate. Students of the ancient world require many tools, and when jumping between commentaries, lexicons, and interlinea...

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