Publications by Rachel Mariman

Data 310: Homework 1


Question #1 The lecture this week discussed some data on legal financial obligations (LFOs) in Alabama. This question is going to have you explore whether there are racial differences in the amount of LFOs that people convicted of crimes owe to the state of Alabama within the sample of cases included in AlabamaCourt.csv. Please do the following i...

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Data 310: Homework 2


Question #1 In your own words, explain what a probability distribution is and why you might use one. – A probability distribution tells you the likelihood of getting a particular value, or range of values, for a variable. You can use it to figure out the probability of realizing a particular outcome. For example, if you’re rolling two dice, y...

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Data 310: Homework 3


Question #1 In your own words, explain what a sampling distribution is. Provide an example of what a sampling distribution tells us by using a variable of your choosing (you do not need to construct anything in R. Just write as many sentences as you need to explain the concept in a way that a friend of yours might understand the gist.) – A samp...

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Data 310: Homework 4


Note: It will be impossible to receive full credit for this assignment without providing a written explanation of your answers as indicated in each question. These written explanations are important - they help us understand if you are digesting the content and most importantly, they give you practice interpreting your analysis. Question #1 a. ...

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Data 310: Homework 5


Question #1 1. Load in the ACSCountyData.Rdata dataset. Run a regression where ‘’ (the percent within a county that graduated from college) is the independent variable and ‘median.income’ (the median income in each county) is the dependent variable. load("ACSCountyData.Rdata") reg <- lm(median.income ~, da...

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Data 310: Final


Summary Using data from the 2020 American National Election Study (ANES), this report offers a statistical analysis of what variables explain voters’ feelings towards Joe Biden in 2020. We begin by visualizing the distribution of our primary dependent variable of interest: a thermometer of voters’ feelings towards Joe Biden in 2020, with valu...

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Data 310: Homework 6


Question #1 We are going to work again the ACS County Data to investigate the relationship between median household income and the percent of children living in poverty in counties. Load in the “ACSCountyData.Rdata” dataframe. load("~/Desktop/Class/Data 310/ACSCountyData.Rdata") 1. First, to make things more readable, recode the median.incom...

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Data 401: Homework 1


Question #1 Using the leaflet package, recreate the map featured in the image “place_matters_example_map.png” that can be found in the Week 1 HW folder. Be sure to alter the aesthetics of the map to match the example image as closely as you can. Appendix: All code used to make this document ## Set Up File knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, ...

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Data 401: Homework 5


Peek at the first few rows of the dataset read.table("oesm.csv", sep = ";", header = TRUE, fill = TRUE, nrows = 5) Begin SQL processing by creating a new database called ‘conemp.’ Then add a table called ‘oesm’ (A best practice here is to use an if statement to delete a table called ‘oesm’ if one already exists.) { conemp <- dbConn...

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Data 101: Final


Intro You must hand in an .rmd file as well as a knitted PDF or Word document. A template .rmd is available, and you are welcome to use that for your answers. You are not allowed to share code with classmates. Make sure to take the time to add titles, labels, etc to make your graphs look professional. For the final exam we are going to be working...

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