Publications by Rachel Mariman
Data 210: Homework 7: Final
For this question, you will use the data file “nes.rda” (which will require you to use load(“nes.rda”) to read in the data). The codebook, called “nes2012_codebook.pdf” is also available to you on Canvas. This data comes from the ANES 2012 Time Series Study, which looks at attitudes toward political ideologies and groups, among many o...
2411 sym R (4827 sym/23 pcs)
Data 210: Homework 4
Question #1 Consider the following survey question: Who is to blame for the dysfunction and gridlock in Washington? (select one) Donald Trump Congress Nancy Pelosi Chuck Schumer Obama The media a. Discuss the problems with the way this survey question has been written. – The survey question uses loaded terms like “dysfunction” and �...
5967 sym R (17085 sym/47 pcs)
Data 210: Homework 3
Question #1 For this question, you will investigate the relationship between education completion rates and poverty levels. The data is currently found in two separate files. You will follow the steps outlined below to prepare the data, merge the data, and then analyze the data. 1. Read in “education_long.csv” – education_long <- read_csv(...
4205 sym R (5443 sym/22 pcs) 2 img
Data 210: Homework 2
Question 1 In this question, we will explore data about the jobs that college graduates received, depending on their major while in college. The data come from the US Census Bureau’s 2010-2012 American Community Survey, and were aggregated and posted publicly at this website. a. Begin by reading the file “recent-grads.csv” into R. How many...
6088 sym R (8591 sym/60 pcs)