Publications by Raúl Alejandro Cantú Vázquez A01087683
Importar base de datos ## file.choose() base_de_datos <- read.csv("C:\\Users\\raulc\\OneDrive\\Escritorio\\rentadebicis.csv") Entender la base de datos resumen <- summary(base_de_datos) resumen ## hora dia mes año ## Min. : 0.00 Min. : 1.000 Min. : 1.000 Min. :2011 ## 1st Qu...
422 sym 2 img
dashboard Datos del Titanic Pasajeros del Titanic 2222 Porcentaje de Sobrevivientes 31.6 % Temperatura del Agua -2°C Row 2 Edad Row 3 Puerto de Embarque Sobrevivientes por Clase ...
245 sym
Professor: Dohyeong Kim, Ph.D Project Overview According to an analysis by Morgan Stanley, the trend of relocating companies near their target markets, known as nearshoring, will prop up Mexican exports with an estimated 94.2 billion additional dollars in five years The objective of this project is to perform an Exploratory Spatial Data Anal...
7886 sym R (15345 sym/87 pcs) 6 img