Publications by Rachel Saidi

Scatterplots, Correlation, Regression, and Modeling Slides


Correlation, Scatterplots, and Regression Analysis -2 Rachel Saidi 4/1/2021 Create a Scatterplot In this example, look at US crime rates at the state level, in 2005, with rates per 100,000 population for crime types such as murder, robbery, and aggravated assault, as reported by the Census Bureau. There are 7 crime types in total. The dataset is...

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Disease and Democracy, DS Labs, and Highcharter


DS Labs and Highcharter Author Rachel Saidi Published September 16, 2020 Disease and Democracy This data attempts to illustrate a controversial theory suggesting that the emergence of democratic political systems has depended largely on nations having low rates of infectious disease, from the Global Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology Netw...

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Scatterplots and Accessibility in R


Scatterplots and Accessibility Author Rachel Saidi Published February 5, 2022 Load dataset mpg and explore accessibility in R Some data frames are built in to R, such as mpg. Load the data, then use str and head to look at the data. {r mpg} loads the data. Alternatively, you can use the command: load(“mpg”) You will look at the data usi...

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Holiday Data Rachel Saidi 12/14/2022 Wishing you and your family joyful and restful holidays!! Here is a table of all holidays througout the year by type You will need to scroll to see them all Holidays Throughout the Year by Type (in 2019) month day name type Apr 9 National Library Workers' Day Observance Apr 25 Take o...

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Data 110 GIS - NYC Asbestos Complaints


Introduction This project is adapted from the work of Lucy Murray, a past student in the Data Visualization class. This dataset is from NYC OpenData, , regarding asbestos complaints received by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) from 2010 to p...

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Data 110 Correlation, Scatterplots, and Plotly


knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) Create a Scatterplot In this example, look at US crime rates at the state level, in 2005, with rates per 100,000 population for crime types such as murder, robbery, and aggravated assault, as reported by the Census Bureau. There are 7 crime types in total. The dataset is clean to begin with. library(readr) lib...

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Data 110 Household Debt, DS Labs, and Highcharter


Load the libraries # install.packages("tidyverse") # install.packages("zoo") library(tidyverse) ## -- Attaching packages ---------------------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.2.1 -- ## v ggplot2 3.2.1 v purrr 0.3.3 ## v tibble 2.1.3 v dplyr 0.8.3 ## v tidyr 1.0.0 v stringr 1.4.0 ## v readr 1.3.1 v forcats ...

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DATA 110 Week 3 DS Labs Datasets and Highcharter


Use the package DSLabs (Data Science Labs) There are a number of datasets in this package to use to practice creating visualizations # install.packages("dslabs") # these are data science labs setwd("C:/Users/rsaidi/Dropbox/Rachel/MontColl/Datasets/Datasets") library("dslabs") data(package="dslabs") list.files(system.file("script", package = ...

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Intro to Markdown and Tidyverse


Bar Charts (from Nicole Radziwill) For small data sets, you may have already tallied up your observations, and you don’t need to load a whole file in to create your bar chart. Here is an example of data generated by opening one package of regular M&Ms to look at the distribution of colors, working with your data as a vector. The counts are: 12 ...

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Logistic Regression on IST Data


modified from the r-statistics tutorial: Load the IST Dataset (International Stroke Trial Database) library(tidyverse) ## Warning: package 'tidyverse' was built under R version 4.1.1 ## -- Attaching packages -------------------...

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