Publications by Rachel Saidi
GIS Tutorial
This tutorial is based on Computerworld’s How to Make a Map with R In 10 (fairly) Easy Steps by Sharon Machlis # Set various values needed, including names of files and FIPS codes for New Hampshire and South Carolina...
3188 sym R (11083 sym/60 pcs) 7 img
Final Project 110 Author Christina Takla Final Project for DATA110 Hospital, Doctor, Patient Dataset Hospital, Doctor, Patient Dataset Source: UCLA Variables in the dataset (8,525 rows and 27 variables) Variable Name Description Data Type tumorsize size of each tumor in mm Quantitative co2 CO2 levels in percents Quantitative pain scale of ...
3276 sym 2 img 1 tbl
Heatmaps Treemaps Streamgraphs and Alluvials
Heatmaps Treemaps Streamgraphs and Alluvials Author Rachel Saidi Published February 18, 2021 So many ways to visualize data Load the packages and the data from website The data is a csv file that compares number of views, number of comments to various categories of Yau’s visualization creations #install.packages("treemap")...
8087 sym 8 img 1 tbl
Correlation, Scatterplots, Regression, and Interactivity in R
Correlation, Scatterplots, and Regression Analysis Author Rachel Saidi Published February 25, 2023 Create a Scatterplot In this example, look at US crime rates at the state level, in 2005, with rates per 100,000 population for crime types such as murder, robbery, and aggravated assault, as reported by the Census Bureau. There are 7 crime type...
10574 sym Python (14610 sym/89 pcs) 27 img
R Lab 4 - Distributions
R Lab 4 Distributions Tidyverse Author Rachel Saidi Published February 18, 2021 Loading packages library(tidyverse) Warning: package 'tidyverse' was built under R version 4.2.2 ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.2 ─�...
5331 sym Python (7897 sym/65 pcs) 18 img
Heatmaps, Treemaps, Streamgraphs, and Alluvials Slides
Heatmaps Treemaps Streamgraphs and Alluvials Rachel Saidi 2/18/21 So many ways to visualize data Load the packages and the data from website The data is a csv file that compares number of views, number of comments to various categories of Yau’s visualization creations #install.packages("treemap") #install.packages("RColorBr...
7940 sym 8 img 1 tbl
Reading Data into R in Three Different Ways (Quarto)
Reading Data in 3 Ways Author Rachel Saidi Published February 5, 2022 Load Data from Three Different Sources In the following notes, you will load data directly from a URL, directly from pre-build datasets in R, and finally from a file you save in your own folder. Load Data from a URL You can load data from a folder or you can load data dire...
8202 sym Python (10715 sym/58 pcs) 10 img
HateCrimes NYC 2010-2016 Tutorial
Hate Crimes in NY from 2010-2016 Author Rachel Saidi Published May 5, 2020 Hate Crimes Dataset This dataset looks at all types of hate crimes in New York counties by the type of hate crime from 2010 to 2016. My caveat: Flawed hate crime data collection - we should know how the data was collected (Nathan Yau of Flowing Data, Dec 5, 2017) Data...
6663 sym 4 img
Airquality Assigment
Airquality Tutorial and Homework Assignment Load in the Dataset Load the tidyverse package to get the airquality dataset # install.packages("tidyverse") library(tidyverse) ## Warning: package 'tidyverse' was built under R version 4.2.2 ## ── Attaching packages ───────────────────────────...
191 sym R (1329 sym/15 pcs)
Trying to end class early
This will make a subtitle for my document Text is black font #if I don’t put a space after my hashtag insert my code: make a chunk windows: control alt i mac: command alt i Create a vector of the data minutes <- c(40, 50, -5, 0, 10, 20, 30, 6, 45, 30, 30, 2, 10, 35, 15, 50, 25, 30, 35, 45, 35, 8) Calculate the 5-number summary ...
265 sym 1 img