Publications by Rachel Saidi

Rachel Saidi


Rachel Saidi Professional Website ProfilePublicationsPositions and AppointmentsHonors and Awards PROFILE With over 23 years of dedicated service at Montgomery College, Rachel Saidi built a robust career in the Mathematics, Statistics, and Data Science Department, where she currently serves as the Data Science Program Director and Advisor. She spe...

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Rachel Saidi


Rachel Saidi Professional Website ProfilePositions and AppointmentsHonors and Awards PROFILE With over 23 years of dedicated service at Montgomery College, Rachel Saidi built a robust career in the Mathematics, Statistics, and Data Science Department, where she currently serves as the Data Science Program Director and Advisor. She spearheaded the...

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Rachel Saidi


Rachel Saidi Professional Website ProfilePublicationsPositions and AppointmentsHonors and Awards PROFILE With over 23 years of dedicated service at Montgomery College, Rachel Saidi built a robust career in the Mathematics, Statistics, and Data Science Department, where she currently serves as the Data Science Program Director and Advisor. She spe...

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DS Enrollment


DS Enrollment Marginal proportions by terms rounded to 3 places Two-Way Table of Proportions of Students in Each Course Per Year Fall 2018 Fall 2024 Intro CS 0.204 0.22 Intro Stat 0.796 0.78 Ratios 2018 In 2018, there were nearly four times more students taking the intro statistics course than the intro computer science course (n1 = 2062 and ...

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Heatmaps, Treemaps, Streamgraphs, and Alluvials - Part 2


Heat Tree Stream Alluvial - Part 2 R Saidi Streamgraphs This type of visualisation is a variation of a stacked area graph, but instead of plotting values against a fixed, straight axis, a streamgraph has values displaced around a varying central baseline. Streamgraphs display the changes in data over time of different categories through the use ...

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Heatmaps, Treemaps, Streamgraphs, and Alluvials - Part 1


Heat Tree Stream Alluvial - Part 1 R Saidi So many ways to visualize data Load the packages and the data from website library(treemap) library(tidyverse) library(RColorBrewer) Heatmaps A heatmap is a literal way of visualizing a table of numbers, where you substitute the numbers with colored cells. There are two fundamentall...

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Data Journalism - Exploring dplyr


Data Journalism Rachel Saidi Remember to set your working directory Recall that you set the working directory to this folder by selecting from the top menu Session>Set Working Directory>Choose Directory. Then select the folder where you are keeping all your datasets for this class. By doing this, we can load the files in this directory without ...

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Bar Charts with Diamonds with RevealJS


Bar Charts with Diamonds Dataset Rachel Saidi Access Library package - Tidyverse library(tidyverse) Load the pre-built dataset, Diamonds, and view it in the global environment head(diamonds) # shows the first few lines of the dataset # A tibble: 6 × 10 carat cut color clarity depth table price x y z <dbl> <ord> ...

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Intro to R and R Studio for Data Science and Statistics


Introduction to R Studio and Quarto For Data Science and Statistics R Saidi The Tools Used in This Course R R Studio Quarto What are R and R Studio? R is a statistical programming language R Studio is an easy to use interface for R, which is an integrated development environment (IDE) R R Studio 1 Images sourced under Creative Commons Lice...

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TDSCI - Partnerships and Articuation Agreements


Partnerships and Articulation Agreements R Saidi A. Developing Partnerships Local partnerships Statewide partnerships National partnerships 1. Local Partnerships Local public schools County/City executive office Local data-related businesses Name others … 2. Statewide Partnerships Build an “alliance” with all TYCs in your state that ...

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