Publications by pssguy

EPL Table Motion Chart


The Shiny package provides great user interactivity and another boost to its attractiveness has come with its integration with googleVis. Markus Gesman provides some background in a blog article with coded examples which he along with fellow googleVis creator, Diego de Castillo and lead Shiny developer Winson Chang have furnished There are at lea...

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Analyzing Local Data with a Shiny Web App


A great. recent enhancement for the Shiny App is the ability to upload local files. Now, in addition to users being able to interact with data provided on the host e.g. Soccer Tables or via the web, Wikipedia Search Rates they can use apps to view and analyse their own data I have knocked up an app based on the 09_upload example provided in the S...

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Are knuckleballers more volatile?


For years, the Blue Jays have been also-rans in the AL East but splashed out this season turning prospects into established stars in the hope of reaching the World Series Seven games in and the 2-5 start has the perennial doubts resurfacing, particularly as none of the much-vaunted starters has yet to pitch a seventh inning Knuckleballer and 2012...

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MLB Pitcher Values


Not the start Blue Jays fans were looking for. With a 6-9 record at the time of publication they already trail Boston (led by reviled ex-BJ manager, John Farrell) by 4.5 games. The batting has been particularly anemic but the pitching – particularly the starting rotation – has also been a concern I have whipped up a Shiny App comparing Salary...

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TV shows rated by episode as a Shiny App


A few days ago there was an interesting R based article by diffuseprior on the decline and fall in the quality of The Simpsons The author scraped results from GEOS, an online survey of TV programs, and applied the R package changepoint to offer an analysis of the show over time This seemed a candidate for a Shiny App, as there are another gross o...

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How R Grows – not so fast


I have had some work on CRAN stats on the back-burner but the recent article How R Grows tempted me to push it up the list In the interim, I have a couple of comments on Joseph Rickert`s article. Although the body of the article refers to packages either created or updated in a time period, the actual graph headlined “Packages submitted by Year...

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Shiny App for CRAN packages


Over the past few days, I have been introduced to a few new-to-me R packages, via some comments from the Shiny guys and the R-bloggers site. This seems a rather haphazard way of acquiring knowledge and I cannot be alone in thinking that this is not the most productive way to become aware of new/better packages. Word of mouth and occasional recomm...

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Not only CRAN downloads and Shiny … but also .. rCharts


I have been meaning for some time to get stuck into the rCharts package which provides an interface to many Javascript graphic libraries. These offer rich charting capabilities with interactivity and a great deal of customization. As regular readers will know, I am also interested in improved publicity for CRAN packages, although the Shiny app I...

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More goodies from rCharts


The guys developing rCharts continue to release enhancements by the day and I have taken advantage to update a couple of Shiny apps The CRAN download app now sports the new exporter feature so that any chart a user comes up with can be saved as a SVG vector, PNG or JPEG image or as a PDF document. In addition, there is now support for the Datat...

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Shiny App for Polling Forums


In 2010, Crystal Palace FC were in administration and had 10 points deducted during the year. They only survived in the Championship on the last day of the season A year ago, they started the league with three consecutive losses and were relegation favourites. Fast forward 12 months and they are again strong tips for the drop but this time from ...

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