Publications by pssguy

Blankety Blank


The erstwhile big 4 all blanked their opponents last Saturday and a poster on the Guardian wondered when was the previous occasion of such an occurrence. It’s a pretty simple procedure in SQL using a subquery, but in the spirit of learning R, I thought I would tackle the problem in that language, with the benefit of a couple of graphs thrown in...

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Simulated War


I am quite interested in both Wars with sabres and Sabremetric WARs but the War I am most involved in is the card game. Unfortunately, it is one my six year old favourites and he is quite happy to while away the hours (literally) playing it with anyone pressganged into joining him I must admit that – conscientous objector that I am – whenever...

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Quick off the mark


With none of the top teams overimpressing this season, Alan Pardew’s performance with Newcastle – especially in the transfer market -is likely to see him receive coniderable recognition in the Manager of the Year award Recent acquisition, Papiss Cissé, has proved particularly fruitful with a brace against Swansea last time out taking him to ...

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Processing Public Data with R


I use R aplenty in analysis and thought it might be worthwhile for some to see the typical process a relative newcomer goes through in extracting and analyzing public datasets In this instance I happen to be looking at Canadian air pollution statistics. The data I am interested in is available on the Ontario Ministry of Environment’s website. ...

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Player timelines with ggplot


Timelines can be quite a handy way of getting an overview of a player’s career in terms of when they played, with which team and who were their contemporaries As often is the case, I turned to Stackoverflow to set me on my way for an R solution. In this instance, I did not take the accepted answer but rather the ggplot variation. I used the ...

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Notes on a Scandal – When Jimmy beat Katy


No the title doesn’t refer to how Katy Perry suffered at another of Jimmy Savile’s sexual predelictions, although these are two of  the participants. I’ll get to the details later Just over a year ago, I reflected on the relative wiki searches of leading female singing celebrities, including Ms Perry. In the light of the recent Jimmy Savil...

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Charting Wikipedia interest in GOP candidates with googleVis


I recently posted an article on how to collate Wikipedia page views As there is a time component to this, it seemed appropriate to use the googleVis Package to visualize changes in page hits in the Google Motion chart For this exercise, I ran the wikiFun function covered in the last post to collate page visits for the main Republican candidates ...

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Revisiting the GOP Race with the Huff Post API and pollstR


Well, one election is over but it is never too soon to start another – or in this case revisit the past four years One day after the 2008 US Presidential election, there was a Rasmussen poll taken of 1000 likely voters asking for their choice for the 2012 Republican Presedential Candidate. The overwhelming favourite was Sarah Palin, who garnere...

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Shiny is the new Cool


Several of you will probably have tried out the new Shiny package brought to the table by the RStudio guys This is just what I have been looking for and to my mind could provide a quantum leap in the use of R. There have been other packages addressing the need for web user interactivity but this is the first one I have found that makes it relativ...

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Shiny Server – Earthshattering News


As you probably know, I am one of the strongest proponents of the Shiny package for developing interactive web applications Amongst the latest news from RStudio is that what was planned to be commercial software will now be free and Open Source (AGPLv3 license) To celebrate this momentous announcement, I have produced an Earthquake app. It was �...

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