Publications by PK O’Flaherty
DATA605 WK11 Homework
Assignment instructions Using the “cars” dataset in R, build a linear model for stopping distance as a function of speed and replicate the analysis of your textbook chapter 3 (visualization, quality evaluation of the model, and residual analysis.) I coincidentally picked the same problem for my week 11 discussion item (second time!) so this is ...
4576 sym 8 img
DATA605 WK13 Discussion
Assignment instructions Using R, provide the solution for any exercise in eitehr Chapter 4 or Chapter 7 of the calculus textbook. If you are unsure of your solution, post your concernts. Selected Problem Exercises 4.2 Problem 4 page 179 A circular balloon is inflated with air flowing at a rate of 10cm^3/s. How fast is the radius of the balloon in...
1809 sym
DATA605 WK12 Discussion
Assignment instructions Using R, build a multiple regression model for data that interests you. Include in this model at least one quadratic term, one dichotomous term, and one dichotomous vs. quantitative interaction term. Interpret all coefficients. Conduct residual analysis. Was the linear model appropriate? Why or why not? Introduction of Con...
4525 sym R (5062 sym/15 pcs) 2 img
DATA605 WK11 Discussion
Assignment instructions Using R, build a regression model for data that interests you. Conduct residual analysis. Was the linear model appropriate? Why or why not? Build a Regression Model # Here we select the built-in-to-R data, cars data(cars) summary(cars) ## speed dist ## Min. : 4.0 Min. : 2.00 ## 1st Qu.:12.0 ...
1150 sym R (4097 sym/19 pcs) 3 img
DATA605 WK10 Homework
Smith is in jail and has 1 dollar; he can get out on bail if he has 8 dollars. A guard agrees to make a series of bets with him. If Smith bets A dollars, he wins A dollars with probability .4 and loses A dollars with probability .6. Find the probability that he wins 8 dollars before losing all of his money Exercise 1a (a) he bets 1 dollar each tim...
1981 sym R (718 sym/7 pcs) 1 tbl
DATA605 WK9 Homework
Exercise 1 #11 page 363 The price of one share of stock in the Pilsdorff Beer Company (see Exercise 8.2.12) is given by Yn on the nth day of the year. Finn observes that the differences Xn = Yn+1 − Yn appear to be independent random variables with a common distribution having mean µ = 0 and variance σ2 = 1/4. If Y1 = 100, estimate the probabili...
3038 sym
DATA605 WK8 Homework
Exercise 1 (No.11 on page 303) A company buys 100 lightbulbs, each of which has an exponential lifetime of 1000 hours. What is the expected time for the first of these bulbs to burn out? (See Exercise 10.) We know the density for the minimum value of a series of independent exponential random variables with mean \(\mu\) is itself an exponential wit...
1675 sym 4 img
DATA605 WK7 Homework
1. Let X1, X2, . . . , Xn be n mutually independent random variables, each of which is uniformly distributed on the integers from 1 to k. Let Y denote the minimum of the Xi’s. Find the distribution of Y. ### Attempt at an analytic solution ### # Let's assume k = 11 and solve this one at a time for n = 1, 2, 3, and then see if we can spot a patte...
1244 sym R (5569 sym/37 pcs) 1 tbl
D605 WK6 Homework
1. A bag contains 5 green and 7 red jellybeans. How many ways can 5 jellybeans be withdrawn from the bag so that the number of green ones withdrawn will be less than 2? # let's check that the total combinations of all six possibilities of number of red versus green adds up to the total combinations: # choose(12,5) = 792 total combinations # choos...
3088 sym Python (4190 sym/26 pcs)
Probability Distributions
Question 1 (Bayesian) A new test for multinucleoside-resistant (MNR) human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) variants was recently developed. The test maintains 96% sensitivity, meaning that, for those with the disease, it will correctly report “positive” for 96% of them. The test is also 98% specific, meaning that, for those without the di...
5511 sym