Publications by PK O’Flaherty
DATA624 Homework 1
Exercise 2.10.1 Explore the following four time series: Bricks from aus_production, Lynx from pelt, Close from gafa_stock, Demand from vic_elec. Use ? (or help()) to find out about the data in each series. What is the time interval of each series? aus_production: quarterly pelt: yearly gafa_stock: daily (but trading days) vic_elec: every thirty m...
5827 sym R (4874 sym/15 pcs) 13 img
DATA624 Homework 1
Exercise 2.10.1 Explore the following four time series: Bricks from aus_production, Lynx from pelt, Close from gafa_stock, Demand from vic_elec. Use ? (or help()) to find out about the data in each series. What is the time interval of each series? aus_production: quarterly pelt: yearly gafa_stock: daily (but trading days) vic_elec: every thirty m...
4815 sym R (4058 sym/4 pcs) 6 img
Publish Document
library(networkD3) library(dplyr) links <- data.frame( source=c("Maintenance", "Antennae", "Laundry", "Rental", "Interest", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income"), target=c("Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Property Taxes", "Mortgage Interest", "Daisy", "Al...
9 sym R (1009 sym/2 pcs)
library(networkD3) library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union links <- data.frame( source=c("Maintenance", "Antennae", "Laundry", "Rental", "Commercial", "In...
9 sym R (1242 sym/5 pcs)
Publish Document
library(networkD3) library(dplyr) links <- data.frame( source=c("Maintenance", "Antennae", "Laundry", "Rental", "Commercial", "Interest", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income"), target=c("Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Property Taxes", "Mortgage...
9 sym R (1026 sym/2 pcs)
Publish Document
library(networkD3) library(dplyr) links <- data.frame( source=c("Maintenance", "Antennae", "Laundry", "Rental", "Commercial", "Interest", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income"), target=c("Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Income", "Property Taxes", "Mortgage...
9 sym R (1040 sym/2 pcs)
D608 Story 7
Preamble Peter Zeihan devoted a chapter in his book, The End of the World is Just the Beginning, to what would happen in a deglobalized world to the supply of strategic minerals and how that would degrade science, progress and the modern lifestyle to varying degrees around the globe. Here we take a stripped down version of that analysis to see wher...
8254 sym R (5903 sym/1 pcs) 5 img 2 tbl
D608 Story 6
Preamble We are lobbying you, our Congressional Representatives, to fund Universal Daycare for children who are too young to enter Kindergarten. We’ll demonstrate a correlation exists between poverty and hunger, then show how children, especially young children, disproportionately experience poverty, and therefore food insecurity, compared to adu...
3748 sym R (2635 sym/1 pcs) 2 img
D608 Story 5
Nasa Image from Jeff Schmaltz of Tropical Cyclone Amanda Source: Introduction Fun Fact! 1950 was the first year meteorologists started naming Hurricanes alphabetically. The first named Hurricane to strike land in 1950 was Hurricane Baker. Historic data...
10080 sym R (3504 sym/6 pcs) 6 img
D608 Story 4
Introduction Our task is to answer how much data practitioners get paid depending on the job title and location. Load Libraries We’re using the tidyverse to have a cohesive and consistent ecosystem of libraries to complete Data Science-motivated projects. The `readr`` package lets us read text files from locally on our computer or from the inter...
3358 sym R (3463 sym/5 pcs) 2 img