Publications by Phuong Linh
mapping osm with r
Loading library pacman::p_load( ggplot2, osmdata ) How OpenStreetMap stores streets? available_features() ## [1] "4wd_only" "abandoned" ## [3] "abutters" "access" ## [5] "addr" "addr:city" ## [7] "addr:conscriptio...
279 sym 3 img
shortest path & tmap with Copenhagen
Objective: 1. Using dodgr package to find shortest path. 2. Visualisation with tmap London Loading library pacman::p_load( dodgr, sf, tidygraph, igraph, dplyr, tibble, ggplot2, units, tmap, osmdata, leaflet, readxl, rio, here ) Data london <- read_excel("data/msoa-data.xls") ## New names: ## • `` ->...
339 sym R (13430 sym/43 pcs) 2 img
dodgr - shortest path Glasgow UK
Loading library pacman::p_load( dodgr, sf, tidygraph, igraph, dplyr, tibble, ggplot2, units, tmap, osmdata, rgrass7, link2GI, nabor, leaflet ) Data bb <- osmdata::getbb("glasgow uk") # bounding box glasgow <- opq(bbox = bb) %>% add_osm_feature(key = "highway") %>% osmdata_sf() %>% osm_poly2...
222 sym Python (3128 sym/16 pcs)
osm 1
Objective Geocode the address & transform to {sf} data structure Plot withleaflet Loading bibrary pacman::p_load( rio, here, ggplot2, sf, dplyr, tidygeocoder, mapboxapi, hereR, osrm, leaflet ) 2 location points # two semi-random Glasgow address adresy <- c("34 Hillhead Street, Hillhead, Glasgow, G12 8PZ...
154 sym
data cleaning - UK social policy research
Library loading pacman::p_load( here, # relative file pathways rio, # importing data # libraries for spss data haven, sjlabelled, labelled, sjPlot, # libraries for data processing dplyr, # data cleaning janitor, # data cleaning and tables lubridate, # working with dates matchmaker...
1388 sym Python (10991 sym/43 pcs) 4 img
bibliographic search and analysis
Library loading pacman::p_load( rio, here, tidyverse, ggplot2, data.table, dplyr, bibliometrix, readxl, tidyr ) Data loading and converting # combine multiple, single papers into one bib file d <- list.files("path", pattern="\\.bib$", full.names=T) read_files<-lapply(d,readLines) Unlist_files...
507 sym Python (12893 sym/19 pcs) 5 img
pacman::p_load( rio, here, tidyverse, lubridate, plotly, gganimate, ggExtra, ggalt, ggcorrplot, ggpubr, ggplot2, # ggarrange() zoo, data.table, formattable, tidyr, ggpmisc, # stat_valey ggalluvial, # sankey chart RColorBrewer, # color pattlet CGPfunctions, # ...
10 sym R (1909 sym/6 pcs) 1 img
package ‘synthesisr'
Library pacman::p_load(rio, here, dplyr, magrittr, tidyr, metagear, bibliometrix, rscopus, synthesisr, revtools, data.table) Web of Science All fields # Step 1: read all the files downlo...
295 sym R (9177 sym/58 pcs)
Statistical data set - International road fuel prices (Map)
Load packages pacman::p_load( rio, here, tidyverse, lubridate, plotly, gganimate, ggExtra, ggalt, ggcorrplot, ggpubr, ggplot2, # ggarrange() zoo, data.table, formattable, tidyr, ggpmisc, # stat_valey ggalluvial, # sankey chart RColorBrewer, # color pattlet CG...
278 sym Python (8070 sym/16 pcs) 3 img
Statistical data set - International road fuel prices
Load packages pacman::p_load( rio, here, tidyverse, lubridate, plotly, gganimate, ggExtra, ggalt, ggcorrplot, ggpubr, ggplot2, # ggarrange() zoo, data.table, formattable, tidyr, ggpmisc, # stat_valey ggalluvial, # sankey chart RColorBrewer, # color pattlet CG...
675 sym Python (8028 sym/25 pcs) 6 img