Publications by Phuong Linh

National statistics - Weekly road fuel prices (2)


Load packages pacman::p_load( rio, here, tidyverse, lubridate, plotly, gganimate, ggExtra, ggalt, ggcorrplot, ggpubr, ggplot2, # ggarrange() zoo, data.table, formattable, tidyr ) Import data mydata <- import(here("data", "Weekly_Fuel_Prices_240423.xlsx"), which = "...

564 sym Python (15414 sym/32 pcs) 15 img

National statistics - Weekly road fuel prices (1)


Objective Objective of this analysis is to calculate the monthly and yearly changes (MoM, YoY) of road fuel prices in the UK. Load packages pacman::p_load( rio, here, tidyverse, lubridate, plotly, gganimate, ggExtra, ggalt, ggcorrplot, ggpubr, ggplot2, # ggarrange() zoo, data....

456 sym Python (6778 sym/15 pcs) 4 tbl

Census data viz (2)


Objective Worldbank Census data processing (merge multiple dataframe) Data visualization (ggplot, plotly, gganimate) Correlation Load packages pacman::p_load( rio, here, tidyverse, lubridate, plotly, gganimate, ggExtra, # marginal histogram ggalt, # scatterplot encircle ggcorrplot # cor...

1314 sym R (7151 sym/22 pcs) 7 img

Census data viz (1)


Objective Census data processing (merge multiple dataframe) Data visualization (ggplot, plotly, gganimate) Load packages pacman::p_load( rio, here, tidyverse, lubridate, plotly, gganimate ) Import data # GDP wb_gdp <- import(here("data", "API_NY.GDP.MKTP.CD_DS2_en_excel_v2_5358382.xls"), which = "Da...

785 sym Python (8660 sym/23 pcs) 11 img

Plot Likert scale data


Objective Transform data from long-wide to create summary table for likert data visualisation; HH Package, likert, plot_likert; Library pacman::p_load( here, # relative file pathways haven, # reading sav file sjlabelled, labelled, dplyr, # data cleaning rio, # importing data janitor, # data cl...

634 sym R (7789 sym/24 pcs) 11 img

data management in R (4)


Load packages pacman::p_load( rio, # File import here, # File locator tidyverse) # data management + ggplot2 graphics Wide to long Import data # wide to long count_data <- import(here("data", "malaria_facility_count_data.rds")) head(count_data) ## # A tibble: 6 × 10 ## location_name data_date submitted_date Pro...

1272 sym Python (17062 sym/39 pcs) 5 img

Social Science Survey data with R (3)


Objective Create a new variable Library pacman::p_load( here, # relative file pathways haven, # reading sav file sjlabelled, labelled, dplyr, # data cleaning rio, # importing data janitor, # data cleaning and tables lubridate, # working with dates matchmaker, # dictionary-based cleaning ...

245 sym Python (5266 sym/22 pcs)

Social Science Survey data with R (2)


Objective Labeling Export file from R to SPSS (sav) format Library pacman::p_load( here, # relative file pathways haven, # reading sav file sjlabelled, labelled, dplyr, # data cleaning rio, # importing data janitor, # data cleaning and tables lubridate, # working with dates matchmaker, # ...

627 sym R (5433 sym/21 pcs)

Iteration, loops, and lists (1)


Library pacman::p_load( dplyr, # data cleaning tidyverse # data management and visualization ) Baisc Loop # loop over integer sequence for (i in 1:3) { print(i) } ## [1] 1 ## [1] 2 ## [1] 3 # create the vector for (i in c("Reto", "Ben", "Lea")) { print(i) } ## [1] "Reto" ## [1] "Ben" ## [1] "Lea" # integer sequence x <...

896 sym Python (16188 sym/110 pcs) 8 img

Iteration, loops, and lists (2)


Objective apply() lets you perform a function across a data frame’s rows or columns. This returns a vector where each position corresponds to the row number / named positions for each row/coluns it analysed; lapply() is used on list objects and returns a list as well; sapply() goes hand-in-hand with lapply() and works the same way, where it...

2929 sym R (9332 sym/68 pcs)