Publications by nsaunders
R/ggplot2 tip: aes_string
I’m a big fan of ggplot2. Recently, I ran into a situation which called for a useful feature that I had not used previously: aes_string. Imagine that you have data consisting of observations for several variables – let’s say A, B, C – where each observation is from one of two groups – call them X and Y: df1 <- data.frame(A = rnorm(50),...
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A brief note: R 3.0.0 and bioinformatics
Today marks the release of R 3.0.0. There will be plenty of commentary and useful information at sites such as R-bloggers (for example, Tal’s post). Version 3.0.0 is great news for bioinformaticians, due to the introduction of long vectors. What does that mean? Well, several months ago, I was using the simpleaffy package from Bioconductor to no...
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Using the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor with your 23andme data
I subscribe to the Ensembl blog and found, in my feed reader this morning, a post which linked to the Variant Effect Predictor (VEP). The original blog post, strangely, has disappeared. Not to worry: so, the VEP takes genotyping data in one of several formats, compares it with the Ensembl variation + core databases and returns a summary of how th...
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-omics in 2013
Just how many (bad) -omics are there anyway? Let’s find out. 1. Get the raw data It would be nice if we could search PubMed for titles containing all -omics: *omics[TITL] However, we cannot since leading wildcards don’t work in PubMed search. So let’s just grab all articles from 2013: 2013[PDAT] and save them in a format which includes t...
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Interestingly: the sentence adverbs of PubMed Central
Scientific writing – by which I mean journal articles – is a strange business, full of arcane rules and conventions with origins that no-one remembers but to which everyone adheres. I’ve always been amused by one particular convention: the sentence adverb. Used with a comma to make a point at the start of a sentence, as in these examples: ...
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Microarrays, scan dates and Bioconductor: it shouldn’t be this difficult
When dealing with data from high-throughput experimental platforms such as microarrays, it’s important to account for potential batch effects. A simple example: if you process all your normal tissue samples this week and your cancerous tissue samples next week, you’re in big trouble. Differences between cancer and normal are now confounded wi...
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Bacteria and Alzheimer’s disease: I just need to know if ten patients are enough
You can guarantee that when scientists publish a study titled: Determining the Presence of Periodontopathic Virulence Factors in Short-Term Postmortem Alzheimer’s Disease Brain Tissue a newspaper will publish a story titled: Poor dental health and gum disease may cause Alzheimer’s Without access to the paper, it’s difficult to assess th...
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R: how not to use savehistory() and source()
Admitting to stupidity is part of the learning process. So in the interests of public education, here’s something stupid that I did today. You’re working in the R console. Happy with your exploratory code, you decide to save it to a file. savehistory(file = "myCode.R") Then, you type something else, for example: ls() # more lines here And t...
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Quilt plots. Like heat maps, only…heat maps
Stephen tweets: Quilt Plots: A Simple Tool for the #Visualisation of Large Epidemiological Data— Stephen Rudd (@SAGRudd) January 15, 2014 A “quilt plot” Quilt plots. Sounds interesting. The link points to a short article in PLoS ONE, containing a table and a figure. Here is Figure 1. If you looked at that and thought “Hey...
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BLATting the internet: the most frequent gene?
I enjoyed this story from the OpenHelix blog today, describing a Microsoft Research project to mine DNA sequences from web pages and map them to UCSC genome builds. Laura DeMare asks: what was the most-hit gene? Most hit gene? APOE? MT @GenomeBrowser We BLATed the Internet! DNA sequences from 40 billion webpages mapped to hg19— L...
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