Publications by nsaunders

The RStudio IDE: first impressions are positive


Integrated development environments (IDEs) are software development tools, providing an interface that enables you to write, debug, run and view the output of your code. Whether you need an IDE or find them useful depends very much on your own preferences and style of working. In my own case for example, I’ve tried both Eclipse and NetBeans, b...

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Fixing aberrant files using R and the shell: a case study


Once in a while, you embark on what looks like a simple computational procedure only to encounter frustration very early on. “I can’t even read my file into R!” you cry. Step back, take a deep breath and take note of what the software is trying to tell you. Most times, you’ve just missed something very straightforward. Here’s an exampl...

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R 2.12 to 2.13 package upgrade


If you: use Linux have just upgraded your R installation from 2.12 to 2.13 installed some/all of your packages in your home area (e.g. ~/R/i486-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.12) and… …are wondering why R can’t see them any more just do this: # at a shell prompt cp ~/R/i486-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.12 ~/R/i486-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.13 # in R conso...

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Friday fun projects


What’s a “Friday fun project”? It’s a small computing project, perfect for a Friday afternoon, which serves the dual purpose of (1) keeping your programming/data analysis skills sharp and (2) providing a mental break from the grind of your day job. Ideally, the skills learned on the project are useful and transferable to your work proje...

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Friday fun with: Google Trends


Some years ago, Google discovered that when people are concerned about influenza, they search for flu-related information and that to some extent, search traffic is an indicator of flu activity. Google Flu Trends was born. Google Trends: bronchitisIllness is sweeping through our department this week and I have succumbed. It’s not flu but at on...

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Syntax highlighting of R code at


If your WordPress blog is hosted at (like this one), you may know that source code in posts is formatted and highlighted using a shortcode, as explained here. Until recently, R was not on the list of supported languages (neither was Perl), but I noticed today that both of them are now supported. This may have happened months ago an...

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R: calculations involving months


Ask anyone how much time has elapsed since September last year and they’ll probably start counting on their fingers: “October, November…” and tell you “just over 9 months.” So, when faced as I was today with a data frame (named dates) like this: pmid1 year1 month1 pmid2 year2 month2 21355427 2010 Dec ...

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Analysis of ISMB coverage at FriendFeed: 2008 – 2011


ISMB/ECCB 2011 was held between July 15-19 this year and as in previous years, FriendFeed was used to cover the meeting. Last year, I wrote a post about how to use R to analyse the coverage. I was planning something similar for 2011 when I thought: we have 4 years of ISMB at FriendFeed now – why not look at all of them? So I did. Read on for t...

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I can’t resist a word cloud: now using R!


Top 1000 words in FriendFeed comments, ISMB 2008-2011The wordcloud package is word clouds for R with a difference: they look great. Of course, having just analysed online coverage of the ISMB conference, I had to run all 6 906 comments from the 2008-2011 meetings through some code. If you followed along via the Sweave code, I went as far as gene...

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ISMB coverage on Twitter? It’s possible there was…


Peter writes: I wonder if part of the drop off is live bloggers moving to platforms like Twitter? I can tell you it seemed like there were almost as many tweets for one SIG (#bosc2011) as for the whole of #ISMB / #ECCB2011, and I personally didn’t post anything to FriendFeed but posted lots on Twitter. Well, there’s a problem with using Twi...

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