Publications by nobody



Introduction Downloading and Installing R(default) or Rstudio 1.1 1.2 New versions of RStudio are released every few months, so be sure to update regularly. Starting RStudio Entering Commands 3.1 the symbol >| 3.2 complete vs. incomplete 3.3 usual keystrokes [up...

2256 sym R (13529 sym/91 pcs) 21 img 1 tbl



library(tidyverse) library(faraway) t.test Independent Samples t-test Compare the mean of two independent groups. 1.1 Are the two samples independents? 1.2 Are the data from each of the 2 groups follow a normal distribution? 1.3 Do the two population have the same variances? 1.3.1 YES = Classical t-test. 1.3.2 NO = Welch t-test. #Visua...

2272 sym R (6187 sym/48 pcs) 6 img



Data manipulation with tidyverse The tidyverse package is an “umbrella-package” that installs tidyr, dplyr, and several other useful packages for data analysis, such as ggplot2, tibble, etc. library(tidyverse) library(gtsummary) Read in your data dta <- read.csv("ncku_prof_V6.csv", h=T, stringsAsFactors = TRUE) ID Initial教授名字第一個...

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Introduction Why is ggplot? - grammar of graphics, a coherent system for describing and building graphs. package required library(faraway) library(tidyverse) looking at data data(fortune) head(fortune) wealth age region 1 37.0 50 M 2 24.0 88 U 3 14.0 64 A 4 13.0 63 U 5 13.0 66 U 6 11.7 72 E st...

497 sym R (3138 sym/33 pcs) 27 img



Previously from the totally-don’t-know-what-am-I-doing 憂鬱量表 0從來沒有 1偶爾 2常常 3無時無刻 1.我常常覺得想哭 2.我覺得心情不好 3.我覺得身體疲勞虛弱、無力 4.我覺得只要努力就可以有好成績 5.我覺得比較會往壞處想 6.我覺得自己很沒用 Glossary Construct構念 concepts or top...

2547 sym R (19116 sym/47 pcs) 6 img 1 tbl



Review: Multiple Regression Analysis Multiple linear regression is used to assess the relationship between a set of explanatory variables and a continuous-response variable. An extremely important aspect of a regression analysis is the inspection of a number of regression diagnostics in a bid to identify any departures from assumption, outliers...

1704 sym R (3686 sym/19 pcs) 6 img 1 tbl



Revision t.test #Vocabulary data from previous week dta <- read.csv("voc.csv", h = T) Looking at data boxplot(dta$T1, dta$T2) #t.test t.test(dta$T1, dta$T2) Welch Two Sample t-test data: dta$T1 and dta$T2 t = 4.112, df = 38.78, p-value = 0.000197 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence int...

1485 sym R (4402 sym/32 pcs) 6 img



Review - Simple Linear Regression The scatterplot and a fit of a simple linear regression model are the first points to be considered when dealing with a set of bivariate data. The assumptions of the fitted model must be checked by looking at a variety of residual plots. In this way the assumptions of normality and constant variance can be asse...

2967 sym R (2324 sym/16 pcs) 6 img



Introduction Direct vs indirect Pulse Intelligence Age Social class Latent Variables concepts that cannot be measured directly but can be assumed to relate to a number of measurable or manifest variables. Factor analysis Exploratory factor analysis Confirmatory factor analysis From the very beginning library(psych) library(moments) lib...

1473 sym R (8492 sym/40 pcs) 5 img 4 tbl