Publications by james lin
Chapter 4 correlation graph
1 Set up 1.1 1) Load packages 1.2 2) Import data 1.3 3) Data Wrangling 1.4 4) Theme James Bar 1.5 5) Theme James Correlation 2 Correlation Matrix ## [1] "location" "treatment" "bdepth" "horizon" "blk" ## [6] "replication" "x20wsa2000" "x20wsa250" "x20wsa53" "x20wsa20" ## [11] "x20mwd" "x5wsa2000" "x...
1666 sym R (937 sym/4 pcs) 78 img
Chapter 4 correlation graph code
1 Set up 1.1 1) Load packages 1.2 2) Import data #import data soilhealth <- read_excel("7-30-21 part 11 nrcs soil health final data.xlsx") soilhealth$bdepth=as.numeric(soilhealth$bdepth) 1.3 3) Data Wrangling #change column names soilhealth1 <- soilhealth %>% clean_names() #str(soilhealth) #View(soilhealth) #names(soilhealth1) soi...
1809 sym R (52618 sym/96 pcs) 78 img
Chapter 4 PCA biplot code
1 Biplot Setup 2 Set up 2.1 1) Load packages # --------------------------------------- # Visualize PCA (Biplot) using ggbiplot() # --------------------------------------- # clear data and values in golbal environment and close windows or plots # shell("cls") = Clear console rm(list = ls(all = TRUE)) shell("cls") library...
325 sym R (42821 sym/37 pcs) 13 img
Chapter 4 PCA biplot
1 Biplot Setup 2 Set up 2.1 1) Load packages 2.2 2) Import data 2.3 3) Theme James 2.4 Overall PCA ## Standard deviations (1, .., p=33): ## [1] 3.748679e+00 2.223874e+00 1.632756e+00 1.319873e+00 1.139146e+00 ## [6] 1.119728e+00 1.025866e+00 9.654615e-01 8.527696e-01 8.384671e-01 ## [11] 7.733103e-01 6.598787e-01 6.386146e-01 5.846609e-...
285 sym R (32053 sym/9 pcs) 13 img