Publications by james lin

Chapter 4 depth graphs code


1 Set up 1.1 1) Load packages library(readxl) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(ggplot2) library(tidyverse) library(janitor) library(corrplot) library(lavaan) # library(semPlot) library(plyr) #mapping # library(ggmap) # library(maps) # library(mapdata) # library(ggspatial) # library(gridExtra) 1.2 2) Import data #i...

1986 sym R (103415 sym/149 pcs) 92 img

Chapter 5 infiltration graphs codes


1 Set up 1.1 1) Load packages library(readxl) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(ggplot2) library(janitor) library(grid) library(ggthemes) library(tidyverse) library(extrafont) #font_import() loadfonts(device = "win") windowsFonts(Times = windowsFont("TT Times New Roman")) library(lsmeans) library(nlme) library(car) library(l...

508 sym R (22316 sym/44 pcs) 6 img

Chapter 5 infiltration graphs


1 Set up 1.1 1) Load packages 1.2 2) Import data 1.3 3) Data Wrangling 1.4 4) Theme James 2 Infiltration 2.1 Infiltration function 2.2 Infiltration 2.3 Infiltration statistics ## [1] "Single Ring" ## Type III Analysis of Variance Table with Satterthwaite's method ## Sum Sq Mean Sq NumDF DenDF F value Pr(>F) ## t...

478 sym R (5562 sym/14 pcs) 6 img

Chapter 4 depth graphs


1 Set up 1.1 1) Load packages 1.2 2) Import data 1.3 3) Data Wrangling 1.4 4) Theme James 2 Extra 2.1 Correlation Matrix ## [1] "sample_name" "location" "treatment" ## [4] "depth" "replication" "bdepth" ## [7] "nhorizon" "blk" "horizon" ## [10] "thori...

1798 sym R (3065 sym/4 pcs) 92 img

Chapter 3 topsoil graphs and anova


run precip as factor 1 Set up 1.1 1) Load packages 1.2 2) Import data 1.3 3) Data Wrangling 1.4 4) Depth Wrangling 1.5 5) Theme James 1.6 Comments 2 Correlation graph ## [1] "sample_name" "location" "treatment" ## [4] "depth" "replication" "bdepth" ## [7] "nhorizon" "blk" ...

4222 sym R (65524 sym/398 pcs) 132 img

Chapter 3 topsoil graphs and anova code


1 Set up knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = T, message = FALSE) 1.1 1) Load packages library(Rcpp) library(readxl) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(ggplot2) library(janitor) library(grid) library(ggthemes) library(extrafont) #font_import() loadfonts(device = "win") windowsFonts(Times = windowsFont("TT Times New Roman")) library(lsm...

4721 sym R (364555 sym/931 pcs) 132 img

Chapter 2 aggregate method


1 Set up knitr::opts_chunk$set( echo = F, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE ) 1.1 1) Load packages 1.2 2) Import data 1.3 3) Data Wrangling 1.4 4) Depth Wrangling 1.5 5) Theme James 1.6 Comments #Shapiro Wilks test ## ## Shapiro-Wilk normality test ## ## data: aggr$x20mwd ## W = 0.90548, p-value = 5.065e-11 ## ## S...

2436 sym R (169025 sym/194 pcs) 46 img

Version 1 Tribune 2 depth


remove Replanted prairie and topsoil data 1 Set up 1.1 1) Load packages 1.2 2) Import data 1.3 3) Data Wrangling 1.4 4) Theme James ## Warning: package 'ggthemes' was built under R version 4.1.2 1.5 5) Depth Wrangling ## Warning: package 'ggcorrplot' was built under R version 4.1.2 ## [1] "number" "depths" ...

1874 sym R (3662 sym/45 pcs) 41 img

Chapter 3 PCA topsoil code


1 Biplot Setup 2 Set up 2.1 1) Load packages # --------------------------------------- # Visualize PCA (Biplot) using ggbiplot() # --------------------------------------- # clear data and values in golbal environment and close windows or plots # shell("cls") = Clear console rm(list = ls(all = TRUE)) shell("cls") library...

328 sym R (44395 sym/41 pcs) 14 img

Chapter 3 PCA topsoil


1 Biplot Setup 2 Set up 2.1 1) Load packages 2.2 2) Import data ## [1] "sample_name" "location" "treatment" ## [4] "clay" "t_np" "to_cp" ## [7] "ca" "cu" "mg" ## [10] "mn" "na" "p" ## [1...

288 sym R (33669 sym/11 pcs) 14 img