Publications by Nguyen Chi Dung

Machine Learning Models for Used Car Price Prediction


Introduction Predicting car prices is a fascinating and widely studied problem. Accurate car price prediction requires expert knowledge due to the numerous unique features and factors that influence a car’s value. The most critical factors typically include the brand and model, year of manufacture, kilometers driven, and mileage. Additionally...

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Why Are Treemaps Better Than Bar Charts?


An Introduction to Treemaps We live in a data-driven world. But understanding data in numbers is not always quick and easy. Visualizations like charts and treemaps (or treemapping, tree maps) help us present data in a way that is quick and easy to digest. Treemaps display hierarchical (tree-structured) data as a set of nested rectangles. Each b...

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The plague of global terrorism


Data processing Libraries: rm(list = ls()) library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union library(ggplot2) library(stringr) library(stringi) library(tidyr...

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Data Visualization with R: Final Test


This is my product for final test in the courses. rm(list = ls()) # remove list before script # Load packages library(readr) library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) library(ggthemes) library(showtext) library(hrbrthemes) # Path directory path1 <- c("C:/Users/Phong Vu/Dropbox/PC/Downloads/r_cased/R15_exam1/globalterrorismdb_0718dist.csv") # Rea...

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Graphic Design: Highlight and Color Text


Introduction The ggtext package enables the rendering of complex formatted plot labels (titles, subtitles, facet labels, axis labels, etc.). Text boxes with automatic word wrap are also supported. It defines two new theme elements, element_markdown() and element_textbox() (element_textbox_simple()), which can be used in place of element_text()...

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R15_day2 Homework


Bar Plot for PCI 2018 This is a bar plot for PCI 2018: library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union library(ggplot2) library(stringi) library(ggrepel) ...

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Data Visualization with R: Homework 2


This is my product for homework 2 in this course. rm(list = ls()) setwd(dir = "C:/Users/Phong Vu/Dropbox/PC/Downloads/r_cased/R15_day2") # Loading packages library(dplyr) library(readxl) library(ggplot2) library(janitor) # Reading data readxl::read_xlsx("_data_pci_file_general_file_1588582407-Indicator_PCI2018_VN.xlsx") -> pci_2018 # C...

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Storytelling with Data: Let’s Practice (Chapter 2)


Introduction Series bài giảng này về hình ảnh hóa dữ liệu hướng vào việc tái lập lại những sản phẩm được trình bày trong cuốn Storytelling with Data: Let’s Practice! của tác giả Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic chỉ bằng ngôn ngữ R. Cuốn sách này có 11 chương với nội dung như sau: Cuốn s...

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Storytelling with Data: Let’s Practice (Chapter 2)


Introduction Series bài giảng này về hình ảnh hóa dữ liệu hướng vào việc tái lập lại những sản phẩm được trình bày trong cuốn Storytelling with Data: Let’s Practice! của tác giả Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic chỉ bằng ngôn ngữ R. Cuốn sách này có 11 chương với nội dung như sau: Cuốn s...

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Storytelling with Data: Let’s Practice


Introduction Series bài giảng này về hình ảnh hóa dữ liệu hướng vào việc tái lập lại những sản phẩm được trình bày trong cuốn Storytelling with Data: Let’s Practice! của tác giả Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic chỉ bằng ngôn ngữ R. Cuốn sách này có 11 chương với nội dung như sau: Cuốn s...

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