Publications by Minsik Kim
Roading the data Recall Differential abundance analysis using your model Using linear models 1 Using linear models 2 Can we run all the statistical test at once? Introduction to for loop For-loop for analysis result For-loop for DA analysis Multple testing ...
4319 sym R (172910 sym/52 pcs) 13 img
Random effect dataset data visualization Summary data Random intercept - two groups With effect modification… Simple LM + interaction term Random effect The sample analysis can be done for a categorical variable Data filtering With effect ...
2988 sym R (26724 sym/71 pcs) 33 img
mediation pacakge Mediation analysis with SBP dataset Before begin.. Bibliography COD_week11_2_MGK_BTE3207 Minsik Kim 2023-11-08 mediation pacakge The framing data contains 265 rows and 15 columns of data from a framing experiment conducted by Brader, Valentino and Suhay (2008). Brader et al. (2008) conducted a random...
4969 sym R (35914 sym/28 pcs) 2 img
Roading the data Basics of statistical tests MPG dataset Linear model Univariate linear model ANOVA How can we test different multiple associations? Anova - Multivariate linear model - Multivariate Statistical tests for alpha diversity Alpha diversity ...
3760 sym R (18602 sym/58 pcs) 11 img
Roading the data Phyloseq object OTU table Tax table Basics of phyloseq Summary of phyloseq object Pevalence filtering Lets remove taxa without Genus assignment Relative abundacne Alpha diversity boxplots How about Beta? Beta diversity calculation Ordination Speci...
4544 sym R (130836 sym/66 pcs) 18 img
Before begin.. Correlation plot Data with trendline Data with binary variable Data with categorical variable Bibliography COD_week9_1_MGK_BTE3207 Minsik Kim 2023-10-23 Before begin.. Let’s load the SBP dataset. dataset_sbp <- read.csv(file = "/Users/minsikkim/Dropbox (Personal)/Inha/5_Lectures/Advanced bi...
517 sym R (50080 sym/26 pcs) 9 img
Before begin.. norm functions Statistical tests t-test z.test() Chi-square test Exact test Confidence interval calculations, statistical tests Bibliography COD_week7_1_MGK_BTE3207 Minsik Kim 2023-10-09 Before begin.. Let’s load the SBP dataset. dataset_sbp <- read.csv(file = "/Users/minsikki...
1245 sym R (7698 sym/49 pcs) 4 img
DADA2 Installing DADA2 Load DADA2 to your environment Opening multiple files for dada2 in R Chooing files with pattern Manipulating characters Plotting Filter and trim Error prediction Mering paired reads Sequence table Remove chimeras Track reads through the pipeline Assign taxonomy Bib...
7967 sym R (27872 sym/71 pcs) 8 img
Before begin.. Let’s load the SBP dataset. dataset_sbp <- read.csv(file = "/Users/minsikkim/Dropbox (Personal)/Inha/5_Lectures/Advanced biostatistics/scripts/BTE3207_Advanced_Biostatistics/dataset/sbp_dataset_korea_2013-2014.csv") head(dataset_sbp) ## SEX BTH_G SBP DBP FBS DIS BMI ## 1 1 1 116 78 94 4 16.6 ## 2 1 1 100 60 79...
662 sym R (12985 sym/26 pcs) 15 img
Before begin.. Sampling distribution and variability Sample variance Sampling distribution Sample mean Sample mean and sample distribution of skewed data Sample variance Sampling distribution Binary variables Sample mean of binary variable Sampling di...
4292 sym Python (14895 sym/96 pcs) 27 img