Publications by Method Matters

Mi Band 5 vs. Mi Band 5: Convergent Validity of Step Count Measurements with R


In this post, we will once again return to the concept of convergent validity, and examine data from two fitness trackers to determine the extent to which their measurements agree. We will also examine the impact of the position of the tracker on the wrist, and see whether this makes a difference in the number of steps the devices record. This po...

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Bayesian Regression Analysis with Rstanarm


In this post, we will work through a simple example of Bayesian regression analysis with the rstanarm package in R. I’ve been reading Gelman, Hill and Vehtari’s recent book “Regression and Other Stories”, and this blog post is my attempt to apply some of the things I’ve learned. I’ve been absorbing bits and pieces about the Bayesian a...

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