Publications by Method Matters

Sensographics and Mapping Consumer Perceptions Using PCA and FactoMineR


In the last post, we focused on the preparation of a tidy dataset describing consumer perceptions of beverages. In this post, I’ll describe some analyses I’ve been doing of these data, in order to better understand how consumers perceive the beverage category. This type of analysis is often used in sensographics- companies who produce food pr...

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Clustering Music Genres with R


In a number of upcoming posts, I’ll be analyzing an interesting dataset I found on Kaggle. The dataset contains information on 18,393 music reviews from the Pitchfork website. The data cover reviews posted between January 1999 and January 2016. I downloaded the data and did an extensive data munging exercise to turn the data into a tidy dataset...

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Clustering Music Genres with R


In a number of upcoming posts, I’ll be analyzing an interesting dataset I found on Kaggle. The dataset contains information on 18,393 music reviews from the Pitchfork website. The data cover reviews posted between January 1999 and January 2016. I downloaded the data and did an extensive data munging exercise to turn the data into a tidy dataset...

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Anscombe’s Quartet: 1980’s Edition


In this post, I’ll describe a fun visualization of Anscombe’s quartet I whipped up recently. If you aren’t familiar with Anscombe’s quartet, here’s a brief description from its Wikipedia entry: “Anscombe’s quartet comprises four datasets that have nearly identical simple descriptive statistics, yet appear very different when graphed...

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Anscombe’s Quartet: 1980’s Edition


In this post, I’ll describe a fun visualization of Anscombe’s quartet I whipped up recently.If you aren’t familiar with Anscombe’s quartet, here’s a brief description from its Wikipedia entry: “Anscombe’s quartet comprises four datasets that have nearly identical simple descriptive statistics, yet appear very different when graphed....

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Sentiment Use Across the Course of Pitchfork Music Reviews: A Tidy Text Analysis with R


In this post, we’ll return to the Kaggle data containing information on Pitchfork music reviews. In a previous post, I used this dataset to cluster music genres. In the current post, I will use R and the tidytext package (and philosophy) to examine the text of the music reviews. Specifically, the goal of the analysis described in this post will...

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Sentiment Use Across the Course of Pitchfork Music Reviews: A Tidy Text Analysis with R


In this post, we’ll return to the Kaggle data containing information on Pitchfork music reviews. In a previous post, I used this dataset to cluster music genres. In the current post, I will use R and the tidytext package (and philosophy) to examine the text of the music reviews. Specifically, the goal of the analysis described in this post will...

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Differences in Word Use Across Music Genres in Pitchfork Album Reviews


In this post we will return to the data on Pitchfork music reviews, parts of which I’ve analyzed previously. The goal of this post will be to gain an understanding of distinctive words in the reviews of albums of different musical genres. This type of analysis helps us understand the musical aspects that distinguish written descriptions of the ...

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Differences in Word Use Across Music Genres in Pitchfork Album Reviews


In this post we will return to the data on Pitchfork music reviews, parts of which I’ve analyzed previously. The goal of this post will be to gain an understanding of distinctive words in the reviews of albums of different musical genres. This type of analysis helps us understand the musical aspects that distinguish written descriptions of the ...

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Multilevel Modeling Solves the Multiple Comparison Problem: An Example with R


Multiple comparisons of group-level means is a tricky problem in statistical inference. A standard practice is to adjust the threshold for statistical significance according to the number of pairwise tests performed. For example, according to the widely-known Bonferonni method, if we have 3 different groups for which we want to compare the means ...

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