Publications by MD
GEOG71921 Week One
In the first practical for GEOG70922 we will familiarise ourselves with the R working environment and consider the effects of resolution, resampling and spatial data aggregation in our analysis. We looked at these ideas in the lecture and also briefly in GEOG60951. Here we will go into a little more depth and experiment with some simulated (or �...
13790 sym R (7379 sym/87 pcs) 16 img
SDM 2 (Spatstat updates)
In week 4 we looked at the use of envelope models, general linear models, maxent and point process models for estimating species distribution (Bradypus variegatus). According to the cross-validation approach taken (K-fold partitioning) We achieved a good level of prediction. However, as we saw in the lecture, ecological data tend to be spatially ...
22798 sym R (36855 sym/503 pcs) 21 img
GEOG71921 Connectivity
In today’s practical we will look at different conceptualizations of connectivity in ecology and explore two kinds of analysis of connectivity. We will take the example of least cost paths, revisiting some data that we created in Week 3, and that of network connectivity, drawing on graph theory to investigate how species movement records can be...
11168 sym R (15653 sym/87 pcs) 17 img
In today’s practical we will look at different conceptualizations of connectivity in ecology. We will explore two kinds of analysis of connectivity from this second perspective. We will take the example of least cost paths, revisiting some data that we created in Week 3, and that of network connectivity, drawing on graph theory to investigate h...
9562 sym R (13934 sym/86 pcs) 16 img
GEOG71921 SDM 2
In week 4 we looked at the use of envelope models, general linear models, maxent and point process models for estimating species distribution (Bradypus variegatus). According to the cross-validation approach taken (K-fold partitioning) We achieved a good level of prediction. However, as we saw in the lecture, ecological data tend to be spatially ...
23399 sym R (38552 sym/505 pcs) 21 img
GEOG71921: Species Distribution Modelling One
In this week’s pratical we will take our first step into species distribution modelling. We will see that there are multiple options for modelling the distribution of species and that all depend on point data and the extraction of environmental factors to those points. First, let’s set the working directory and install the packages that we wi...
20433 sym R (20562 sym/97 pcs) 28 img
In today’s practical we will look at two spatially oriented and closely aligned areas of species ecology: range and resource selection. We will explore some of the ideas covered in the lecture using a telemetry dataset of Canis lupus (grey wolf) from a 2006 monitoring campaign in the Alberta region of Canada. We will use these data to explore o...
12706 sym R (21806 sym/87 pcs) 26 img