Publications by MD



In today’s practical we will look at different conceptualizations of connectivity in ecology and explore two kinds of analysis of connectivity. We will take the example of least cost paths, revisiting some data that we created in Week 3, and that of network connectivity, drawing on graph theory to investigate how species movement records can ...

11306 sym R (15802 sym/86 pcs) 17 img

Scale Practical Alternative Ending


In practical 2 of GEOG71922 we will cover a range of spatial techniques in R that are central to working with spatial data in ecology. Today you will learn how to: 1) convert tabulated data to spatial point distributions, 2) crop data quickly and neatly to a desired study extent, 3) reclassify a raster for more focussed analysis, 4) provide ba...

14699 sym R (9353 sym/54 pcs) 8 img

Spatial Ecology Cheat Sheet


#working with vectors #characters: vChr<-c("One","Two","Three","Four") #numeric vector vNum<-c(1,2,3,4) #creating a data frame df<-data.frame(vChr,vNum) head(df) ## vChr vNum ## 1 One 1 ## 2 Two 2 ## 3 Three 3 ## 4 Four 4 #set column names colnames(df)<-c("Character","Number") #selecting rows and columns. #...

8476 sym R (13099 sym/96 pcs) 11 img

Spatial Ecology Cheat Sheet


#working with vectors #characters: vChr<-c("One","Two","Three","Four") #numeric vector vNum<-c(1,2,3,4) #creating a data frame df<-data.frame(vChr,vNum) head(df) ## vChr vNum ## 1 One 1 ## 2 Two 2 ## 3 Three 3 ## 4 Four 4 #set column names colnames(df)<-c("Character","Number") #selecting rows and columns. #...

8476 sym R (13308 sym/96 pcs) 11 img

Spatial Ecology Cheat Sheet


#working with vectors #characters: vChr<-c("One","Two","Three","Four") #numeric vector vNum<-c(1,2,3,4) #creating a data frame df<-data.frame(vChr,vNum) head(df) ## vChr vNum ## 1 One 1 ## 2 Two 2 ## 3 Three 3 ## 4 Four 4 #set column names colnames(df)<-c("Character","Number") #selecting rows and columns. #...

8476 sym R (13099 sym/96 pcs) 11 img

Species Distribution Modelling One


In this week’s pratical we will take our first step into species distribution modelling. We will see that there are multiple options for modelling the distribution of species and that all depend on point data and the extraction of environmental factors to those points. First, let’s set the working directory and install the packages that we will...

20320 sym R (20733 sym/102 pcs) 28 img

GEOG71922 Space


In today’s practical we will look at two spatially oriented and closely aligned areas of species ecology: range and resource selection. We will explore some of the ideas covered in the lecture using a telemetry dataset of Canis lupus (grey wolf) from a 2006 monitoring campaign in the Alberta region of Canada. We will use these data to explor...

12433 sym R (19547 sym/95 pcs) 17 img

Assignment 2 Hints and Tips: Update


Here I have put together a couple of tips to help get around some recent changes to packages used on the course that may be causing you some trouble. How to install older versions of R packages (or existing versions not supported by newer editions of R) Sometimes we want to install an older version of an R package. This might be to ensure repoduc...

6590 sym R (5234 sym/17 pcs) 3 img

EOG70922 Week10 Alternative


Use these instructions if you have not got QGIS installed on your machine The analysis that we will run through today uses QGIS and SAGA tools to assist with a floodplain delineation relative to the estimated distribution of beaver dams in the Lausanne region of Switzerland. Here is how to complete the analysis using only functions in R. First le...

2271 sym R (17022 sym/83 pcs) 20 img

GEOG70922 Week 10 RQGIS


In this week’s practical we will look at options for bridging to other open-source GIS applications, specifically QGIS. The advantage of doing this is that,although it is useful and satisfying to write all your analysis in R, often there will be an existing algorithm for certain spatial operations that are implemented in other applications. A g...

2837 sym R (20889 sym/102 pcs) 21 img