Publications by Michael Hunt



library(tidyverse) library(here) library(cowplot) fertilizer <- fertilizer %>% mutate(FERTIL=as.factor(FERTIL)) The basic principles of ANOVA In a simple case we consider the comparison of three means. This is done by the analysis of variance (ANOVA). In this case we will go through an example in detail and work out all the mechanics, but once...

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Introduction to R


class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Introduction to R and RStudio ## You will never look backā€¦ ### Michael Hunt ### Eden Project Learning ### 2021-01-11 (updated: 2022-01-25) --- class: center, middle ### Have I got R and RStudio on my machine? You should already have R and RStudio installed on your laptop. If you have, then on ...

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test finder


This is an R Markdown Notebook. When you execute code within the notebook, the results appear beneath the code. Try executing this chunk by clicking the Run button within the chunk or by placing your cursor inside it and pressing Cmd+Shift+Enter. plot(cars) Add a new chunk by clicking the Insert Chunk button on the toolbar or by pressing Cmd+Opt...

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Today we will have a cursory look at some of the packages within the so-called tidyverse, and demonstrate how to create, use and publish on the web an R Notebook, using R Markdown. For more information, see: The tidyverse homepage The R Markdown homepage These two texts written by Dylan Childs for courses at Sheffield University are very useful...

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test finder


So you have a hypothesis and now you also have some data. You will have looked at your data ad plotted it in some suitable way. This will already, very likely, have given you an idea as to whether you are going to be able to reject your null hypothesis. What type of test should you carry out to determine whether to reject the null hypothesis? Tha...

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chi-square test


A chi-square analysis is used when our data are in the form of raw counts for two or more categorical groups eg yellow peas or green pea seeds, survival rate of mice if they took drug A or took drug B, etc. Each independent observation must definitely belong to either one group or the other, and there must be no replicates. That is, for each cate...

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Installing R and RStudio


class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Install R and R Studio ### Michael Hunt ### Cornwall College Newquay ### 2021/10/13 (updated: 2021-10-13) --- ### Getting R Go to the R Project home page and click the download link ``` ``` ![R Project page](./figures/R_project_home_page.png) --- This takes you to the...

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The tidal resource


In this section we will estimate the total power available to the UK from the tidal resource, then break this down into separate considerations of tidal range and tidal stream technologies - what can they produce, and on what scale would they have to be implemented? 1 Power Available in the Tides The national power resource from the tides cannot...

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Visualise with ggplot2


Sources Some of the exercises below have been adapted from Chapter 4 of Getting Started with R by Beckerman, Childs and Petchey. Data Visualization by Kieran Healy is the best I have found on the use of the ggplot2 package for making superb figures for exploratory data analysis and for the communication of information from data. The whole book i...

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