Publications by Michael Hunt
dplyr tutorial
Adapted and extended from Chapter 3 of Getting Started with R by Beckerman, Childs and Petchey Data Management, manipulation and exploration using functions from dplyr In this exercise we will use the compensation data set, which has 40 observations of the root stock mass and mass of fruit harvested, for apple trees in both grazed and ungrazed con...
18767 sym R (3391 sym/32 pcs) 1 img
QGIS help sheet
This worksheet shows you how to do the following, using an example dataset: Set up the QGIS Project Enter existing data Symbolise and display data appropriately Clip features Georeference Create layers and digitise features/enter associated attribute data Label features Buffer features Input a .csv (Excel) dataset Creating new layers fr...
13156 sym 18 img
PCA exercise
For this exercise we rely heavily on Holland, S. M. (2019). Principal Components Analysis (PCA). See also Shlens, J. (2014). A Tutorial on Principal Component Analysis. library(tidyverse) library(here) library(ggfortify) library(cowplot) This data set has geochemi...
5476 sym R (3768 sym/19 pcs) 4 img
Adapted and extended from Chapter 3 of Getting Started with R by Beckerman, Childs and Petchey Data Management, manipulation and exploration using functions from dplyr In this exercise we will use the compensation data set, which has 40 observations of the root stock mass and mass of fruit harvested, for apple trees in both grazed and ungrazed c...
18980 sym R (3456 sym/32 pcs) 1 img
Use of ggplot2
Sources I could fill page after page with suggested resources on how best to do visualisations (graphs, as we used to call them). Here are a few that I have used and found useful. Some are on the detail of how to use the ggplot2 package - which you will most likely use in your dissertation - and some are on more general principles of making effe...
26763 sym R (7387 sym/49 pcs) 28 img 1 tbl
Adapted and extended from Chapter 2 of Getting Started with R by Beckerman, Childs and Petchey. The bird dataset in the exercise is from Mark Gardener’s Statistics for Ecologists using R and Excel Introduction In the following you are intended to write a script of your own, using the snippets of code in this instruction set. As you come to eac...
20482 sym R (7519 sym/41 pcs) 2 img 2 tbl
chi-square ladybirds
Taken from Chapter 5: Beckerman, Childs and Petchey: Getting Started with R Chi-square contingency analysis The data We are going to analyse some data on counts of ladybirds found in an industrial and in a rural location. Some of the ladybirds are red and some are black. We would like to test for whether there is an association between the lady...
11578 sym R (1651 sym/14 pcs) 2 img
Introduction to R and RStudio
class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Introduction to R and RStudio ] .subtitle[ ## You will never look back… ] .author[ ### Michael Hunt ] .institute[ ### University Centre Newquay ] .date[ ### 2022-11-02 (updated: 2022-11-04) ] --- class: center, middle ### Have I got R and RStudio on my machine? You should already have R...
16371 sym
qq-plots explained
Michael Hunt Cornwall College Newquay 09-02-2021 Adapted from an exercise by Jon Yearsley (School of Biology and Environmental Science, UCD) Introduction Q-Q plots can play a useful role when trying to decide whether a dataset is normally distributed, and if it is not, then how it differs from normality. We will investigate the types of quantile...
5822 sym 6 img
This guide to correlation is heavily based on the very helpful chapter in Statistics, by David Freedman, Robert Pisani, Roger Purves and Ani Adhikari, 2nd ed., Norton. Correlation The notable statistician Karl Pearson (1857 - 1936) carried out a study to investigate the resemblance between children and their parents. As part of the study, Pearso...
15392 sym 9 img 1 tbl