Publications by Mark Sanderson-cimino

PSP Sample Estimates Version 3


Summary The sample size necessary to detect a significant reduction in change over time (80% power; alpha=0.5) was determined in a sample of 65 participants with PSP. Analyses were completed first within the full sample. Follow-up analyses were completed in subsamples: 1) FTLD-CDR global score <= 1; and 2); FTLD-CDR global score ≤ 1 and basel...

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PSP 11 16


Summary The following analysis compares the estimated sample sizes necessary to detect change on various outcomes. The first tab (data set) provides descriptions of the data. Dataset Full Dataset description ## [1] "Sample is reduced to those with two time points." ## [1] "Simple change score is calculated (Varible at time 2 minus variable at t...

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DVCID update


Memory score description Histograms Presents (a) histogram of UDS3M+ and (b) histograms by CDR Global (0 or .5). It is normally distributed. The scale is based on the development sample, which included impaired individuals. As a result, the UDS3M+ within DVCID has a positive mean (.68), and ranges from -1.4 to 2.7. The mean in the original sam...

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PSP sample size v1


Summary The following analysis compares the estimated sample sizes necessary to detect change on various outcomes. The first tab (dataset) provides descriptions of the data. Dataset Full Dataset description Overall n 65 days_between_visit (mean (SD)) 286.34 (82.04) age_at_visit (mean (SD)) 68.20 (7.42) sex_at_birth = M (%) 37 (5...

1455 sym 4 tbl



Associations Forest plots present associations with various UDS measures. Results are similar when using 1, 2, or 3 replicates. This suggests that more than 1 replicate does not add meaningful signal. Forest Plots Combo Forest Plots Indiv. Results Table ## ## ## Table: Forest Plot Values ## ## | X| Visit| Replicates|Metric ...

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Dials 2


1. Comparison of fluency tasks a. Raw Scores There are differences in mean and SD across fluency items. There are also differences in the correlations between those fluency items and other components of the TabCAT-EXAMINER score. Letter n mean sd cor:flanker cor:Dot_count cor:run_dot cor:set_shift word_f 294 16.099 4.626...

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EXAMINER Component analysis


TabCAT-EXAMINER Correlations ## Presents Correlations between the full TabCAT-EXAMINER and models where a set of items was deleted. Each graph shows the associations across models that had a specific number of items. Each column shows models where that designated test was included. For example, column “animals_r” presents associations for a...

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DVCID review V1


Memory score (fmem or fmem_bayes3) description ## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`. ## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`. ## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`. ## vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se ## X1 ...

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TabCAT Components V2


A. Factor loadings Presents factor loadings from each model. Model Factor Loadings X EF_full EF_no_RD EF_no_DC EF_no_FL EF_no_MA EF_no_SS EF_no_AN EF_no_VE EF_no_fw EF_no_lw rundots_r 0.58 0.00 0.57 0.58 0.51 0.61 0.60 0.58 0.59 0.58 dotcount_r 0.61 0.60 0.00 0.62 0.59 0.63 0.61 0.61 ...

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TabCAT EXAMINER restricted



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