Publications by Mark Sanderson-cimino

TabCAT Component Analysis.v1


1. Forrest Plots Preents a series of Forrest plots (Pearson’s correlation coefficients). Each plot displays the association between an outcome (e.g., FTLD sobs) and the original TabCAT-EXAMINER score as well as a factor score generated from a subset of components. Each row designates which component is MISSING. lst.names<-c("ExecutiveComposi...

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Smartphone ALLFTD Renewal update


LME models (Project 1: Familial) Sample description for model 1 (familial) Model 1 predicted FTLD CDR+Motor sum of boxes. Each model included 1 smartphone task: Stroop, Flanker, GoNoGo, 2-Back, or Memory (Humi). The sample was restricted to those who were over the age of 45 and had a C9, MAPT, or GRN mutation. Ns vary by model. An interaction ...

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Dials prelim


1. Comparison of fluency tasks a. Raw Scores ## Warning in cor.test(as.numeric($`Running Dots Score`), ## unlist([, : NAs introduced by coercion ## Warning in cor.test(as.numeric($`Running Dots Score`), ## unlist([, : NAs introduced by coercion ## Warning in cor.test(as.numeric($`Run...

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PE abstract.v2


## ## 2 3 ## 26 36 1a: PE and CDR+NACC-FTLD sum of boxes at baseline, full sample a. Full Sample Regressions in full sample. FTLD SOB ~ PE for each task. Seperate models ## [1] "##############################" ## [1] "##############################" ## [1] "##############################" ## [1] "##############################" ## [1...

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PE smartphone v1


This is an R Markdown Notebook. When you execute code within the notebook, the results appear beneath the code. Try executing this chunk by clicking the Run button within the chunk or by placing your cursor inside it and pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter. ## ## 2 3 ## 41 63 1: PE at baseline a. PE at baseline full sample no covari Stroop (-), ...

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Smartphone Renewal v6


LME models (Project 1: Familial) Sample description for model 1 (familial) Model 1 predicted FTLD CDR+Motor sum of boxes. Each model included 1 smartphone task: Stroop, Flanker, GoNoGo, 2-Back, or Memory (Humi). The sample was restricted to those who were over the age of 45 and had a C9, MAPT, or GRN mutation. Ns vary by model. An interaction ...

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Smartphone Renewal. v5


LME models (Project 1: Familial) Sample description for model 1 (familial) Model 1 predicted FTLD CDR+Motor sum of boxes. Each model included 1 smartphone task: Stroop, Flanker, GoNoGo, 2-Back, or Memory (Humi). The sample was restricted to those who were over the age of 45 and had a C9, MAPT, or GRN mutation. Ns vary by model. An interaction ...

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Smartphone Updated models (CDR+NACC-FTLD)



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LME models (Projcet 1: Familial) Sample description for model 1 (familial) Model 1 predicted FTLD CDR+Motor sum of boxes. Each model included 1 smartphone task: Stroop, Flanker, GoNoGo, 2-Back, or Memory (Humi). The sample was restricted to those who were over the age of 45 and had a C9, MAPT, or GRN mutation. Ns vary by model. An interaction ...

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The following analyses are separated into two overall samples. The first includes all ALLFTD participants and investigates the performance of the UDS measures. We analyzed the overall sample with UDS measures separately because this is much larger group (n=2559) than the subset with TabCAT-EXAMINER (n=825). The outline on the left points to th...

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