Publications by klr
Out of Nowhere–Explore Text on a Path
I had not really stopped to think of this until I listened to this The Web Ahead podcast with Sara Soueidan. What is really interesting about the tech world is how experts can seemingly pop up out of nowhere and become the authority on a topic. In the podcast, this was the case with the interviewee Sara Soueidan. We can find a s...
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Widgets For Christmas
For Christmas, I generally want electronic widgets, but after six months of development, all I wanted this Christmas was htmlwidgets, and Santa RStudio/jj,joe,yihui and Santa Ramnath delivered early with this RStudio tweet on December 17th. htmlwidgets: Bring the best of JavaScript data visualization to R #rsta...
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Will I fail?
I have committed to building an htmlwidget a week in 2015. To isolate and separate the commitment from this blog, I set up a new site Building Widgets and Github repo. The first post Can I Commit? provides meta introspection on commitment. Can I commit to building an htmlwidget a week in the year 2015? It seems we humans all s...
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Financial Charts | Pan and Zoom
The htmlwidget for Week 2 over at Building Widgets claims to add pan and zoom interactivity to almost all R charts. Since their were no tests on financial charts, I thought I would try it out on a couple. It really does work. Here is an example on an efficient frontier plotted from fPortfolio. When we combine pipeR and htmlwid...
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Experiments in Time Series Clustering
Last night I spotted this tweet about the R package TSclust. Thank you Pablo and Jose for #TSclust – time series clustering package in #rstats !— Pasha Roberts (@pasharoberts) March 2, 2015 I should start by saying that I really don’t know what I’m doing, so be warned. I thought it would interesting t...
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Is Time Series Clustering Meaningless? (lots of dplyr)
A kind reader directed me in a comment on Experiments in Time Series Clustering to this paper. Clustering of Time Series Subsequences is Meaningless: Implications for Previous and Future Research Eamonn Keogh and Jessica Lin Computer Science & Engineering Department University of California – Riverside
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Extracting Heatmap
Inspired by this tweet, I wanted to try to do something similar in JavaScript. Very cool hack: Extracting the original data from a heatmap image with R vector ops #rstats— Gregory Piatetsky (@kdnuggets) March 6, 2015 Fortunately, I had this old post Chart from R + Color from Javascr...
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visNetwork, Currencies, and Minimum Spanning Trees
Just because I’m ignorant doesn’t mean I won’t try things. Feel free to correct any ignorance that follows. More than anything I would like to feature the new htmlwidget visNetwork. I thought the example from Minimum Spanning Trees in R applied to currency data (similar to this research paper Minimum Spanning Tree Applic...
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Ooms Magical Polyglot World
crossposted from BuildingWidgets Jeroen Ooms (@opencpu) provides R users a magical polyglot world of R, JavaScript, C, and C++. This is my attempt to both thank him and highlight some of all that he has done. Much of my new R depends on his work. Ooms’ Packages metacran provides a list of all Jeroen’s CRAN packages. Now, I wonder...
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Puts as Protection
Many asset management firms are happily enjoying record revenue and profits driven not by inorganic growth or skillful portfolio management but by a seemingly endless increase in US equity prices. These firms are effectively commodity producers entirely dependent on the price of an index over which the firm has no control. The options...
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