Publications by klr
Unsolved Mysteries of Rebalancing
There is a lot not yet fully understood about rebalancing in portfolio management. This 2013 paper from Nardon and Kiskiras is the best I have read yet. Kiskiras, John and Nardon, AndreaPortfolio Rebalancing: A Stable Source of AlphaJanuary 18, 2013Available at SSRN: I wanted to share both a summary...
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More on Rebalancing | With Data from Research Affiliates
While on the topic of rebalancing (see Unsolved Mysteries of Rebalancing), I thought it would be good to highlight another good research paper with some quick rCharts analysis. Arnott, Robert D., et al.The Surprising Alpha from Malkiel’s Monkey and Upside-Down StrategiesThe Journal of Portfolio Management 39.4 (2013): 91-105. I hav...
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Must See R blog
Last year in my post d3 var vglnk = {key: '949efb41171ac6ec1bf7f206d57e90b8'}; (function(d, t) { var s = d.createElement(t); s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.async = true; // s.defer = true; // s.src = '//'; s.src = '
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Bond Shop Views with dimplejs and rCharts
I saw this chart in a presentation and thought I could make it better and interactive. Here is a short article on the iteration process. Click on the screenshot below or here for the full post. Note: these are not my views and this is not financial advice. I did not name the original source of the graphic. If you are the sourc...
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Help Me Understand bfast breakpoints
The R package bfast enthralls me. I have posted 3 times on bfast but still did not understand the impact of the h parameter. Armed now with some d3.js, angular.js, and rCharts I thought I could see it better with a fancy interactive visualization. Here is the result when applied to the S&P 500 monthly price series since 1950. ...
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Interactive Discovery of Research Affiliates JoPM Paper
In my previous post More on Rebalancing | With Data from Research Affiliates , I did some really basic visualizations, but I thought this data would be great for some more powerful interactive discovery using an interesting javascript SQL-like query language objeq along with the d3.js charting library dimple.js. Next, I hope to ext...
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Slopegraphs | rCharts –> maybe finance versions
Back in 2011, Charlie Park did two very thorough posts on Edward Tufte’s table graphics or slopegraphs. These type graphics can provide very effective visualizations of finance and economic information. For my first test though I will stick with cance...
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xts like endpoints in Javascript
I decided to promote this from a Twitter comment to a blog post. I had hoped to do a prototype javascript interactive rebalancing visualization of Unsolved Mysteries of Rebalancing integrating this, but I have not had the time, so I’ll release it into the wild in its current state. I hope someone can use it. Related To l...
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R as a Publishing Engine | CPI Components Use Case
R was certainly not designed to be a publishing engine, but in my workflow, R is the primary method of content creation. With that in mind, I have been thinking about a very different use case of rCharts in which we might want to include inflexible and not really reusable custom javascript components in our document. As a quick ex...
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Find it Humorous … “Not So Bad” in the “long-term”
I agree the market selloff has been weak thus far (especially as a frustrated bear). However, I find it humorous as some widely followed commentators say things like “You’re only down x% ytd. It’s not that bad”. I wonder if this selloff gets worse will they extend to a 12 month horizon since last year was so good. Imme...
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