Publications by kjytay

Simulating paths from a random walk


If you’ve ever visited this blog at, you might have noticed a header image that looks like this: Ever wonder how it was generated? The image depicts 100 simulations of an asymmetric random walk. In this post, I’ll go through the code used to generate this image. All the code can also be found here. For , consider a series of i....

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Attributes in R


In R, objects are allowed to have attributes, which is a way for users to tag additional information to an R object. There are a few reasons why one might want to use attributes. One reason that I encountered recently was to ensure that the type of object returned from a function remains consistent across a range of function options. For example,...

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How is the F-statistic computed in anova() when there are multiple models?


Background In the linear regression context, it is common to use the F-test to test whether a proposed regression model fits the data well. Say we have predictors, and we are comparing the model fit for Linear regression where are allowed to vary freely but are fixed at zero, vs. Linear regression where are allowed to vary freely. ( is some...

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Some notes when using dot-dot-dot (…) in R


When writing functions R, the ... argument is a special argument useful for passing an unknown number of arguments to another function. This is widely used in R, especially in generic functions such as plot(), print(), and apply(). Hadley Wickham’s Advanced R has a nice short section on the uses of ... and some potential pitfalls when using ......

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A shiny app for exploratory data analysis


I recently learnt how to build basic R Shiny apps. To practice using Shiny, I created a simple app that you can use to perform simple exploratory data analysis. You can use the app here to play around with the diamonds dataset from the ggplot2 package. To use the app for your own dataset, download the raw R code here (just the app.R file) and ass...

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Exploring the game “First Orchard” with simulation in R


My daughter received the board game First Orchard as a Christmas present and she’s hooked on it so far. In playing the game with her, a few probability/statistics questions came to mind. This post outlines how I answered some of them using simulation in R. All code for this blog post can be found here. (In my googling I found that Matt Lane has...

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Simulating the dice game “Toss Up!” in R


Toss Up! is a very simple dice game that I’ve always wanted to simulate but never got around to doing so (until now!). This post outlines how to simulate a Toss Up! game in R, as well as how to evaluate the effectiveness of different game strategies. All the code for this blog post is available here. Rules The official rules for Toss Up! are a...

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glmnet v4.1: regularized Cox models for (start, stop] and stratified data


My latest work on the glmnet package has just been pushed to CRAN! In this release (v4.1), we extend the scope of regularized Cox models to include (start, stop] data and strata variables. In addition, we provide the survfit method for plotting survival curves based on the model (as the survival package does). Why is this a big deal? As explaine...

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The Mendoza line


The Mendoza Line is a term from baseball. Named after Mario Mendoza, it refers to the threshold of incompetent hitting. It is frequently taken to be a batting average of .200, although all the sources I looked at made sure to note that Mendoza’s career average was actually a little better: .215. This post explores a few questions related to the...

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covidcast package for COVID-19-related data


(This is a PSA post, where I share a package that I think that might be of interest to the community but I haven’t looked too deeply into myself.) Today I learnt of the covidcast R package, which provides access to the COVIDcast Epidata API published by the Delphi group at Carnegie Mellon University. According to the covidcast R package websi...

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