Publications by kjytay

Using the scales package to change alpha in base R plots


When you are plotting many points on one plot, changing the transparency, or alpha, of the points is often a good idea. For example, the plot below plots price vs. carat for each of 53,940 diamonds: library(ggplot2) ggplot(diamonds, aes(x = carat, y = price)) + geom_point() We get a mess/mass of points! We can see the general trend betwee...

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Exploring point distribution in the English Premier League


I recently got a hold of table standings for the English Premier League (EPL) for the past 10 years. In this post, I want to explore the question: How similar are the point distributions across seasons? Code for the figures found in this post can be found here. The first plot I made was a histogram for each Season: The default setting of 30 bins...

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Different winners under different criteria


A few posts ago (see here), I noted that there was a group of 7 teams in the English Premier League (EPL) that seem to be a cut above the rest: Arsenal Chelsea Everton Liverpool Manchester City Manchester United Tottenham Hotspur The team logos. (Photo credit: Who is the best among these 7 teams? In thinking about this quest...

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Subsetting in the presence of NAs


In R, we can subset a data frame df easily by putting the conditional in square brackets after df. For example, if I want all the rows in df which have value equal to 1 in the column colA, all I have to do is df[df$colA == 1, ] Recently, I realized that this approach can be problematic when there are NAs present in the data! For example, let df...

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Obtaining the number of components from cross validation of principal components regression


Principal components (PC) regression is a common dimensionality reduction technique in supervised learning. The R lab for PC regression in James et al.’s Introduction to Statistical Learning is a popular intro for how to perform PC regression in R: it is on p256-257 of the book (p270-271 of the PDF). As in the lab, the code below runs PC regre...

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Getting started Stamen maps with ggmap


Spatial visualizations really come to life when you have a real map as a background. In R, ggmap is the package that you’ll want to use to get these maps. In what follows, we’ll demonstrate how to use ggmap with the Sacramento dataset in the caret package. For each city, we are going to keep track of the median price of houses in that city, t...

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A deep dive into glmnet: penalty.factor


The glmnet function (from the package of the same name) is probably the most used function for fitting the elastic net model in R. (It also fits the lasso and ridge regression, since they are special cases of elastic net.) The glmnet function is very powerful and has several function options that users may not know about. In a series of posts, I ...

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A deep dive into glmnet: standardize


I’m writing a series of posts on various function options of the glmnet function (from the package of the same name), hoping to give more detail and insight beyond R’s documentation. In this post, we will focus on the standardize option. For reference, here is the full signature of the glmnet function: glmnet(x, y, family=c("gaussian","binomi...

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Scraping NBA game data from


I’m a casual NBA fan: I don’t have time to watch the games but enjoy viewing the highlights on Instagram/Youtube (especially Shaqtin’ A Fool!); I sometimes read game articles and analyses (e.g. Blogtable). Apart from the game being an amazing visual spectacle, it’s fun to drink in the deluge of stats that each game brings. I’m not even ...

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Recreating the NBA lead tracker graphic


For each NBA game, has a really nice graphic which tracks the point differential between the two teams throughout the game. Here is the lead tracker graphic for the game between the LA Clippers and the Phoenix Suns on 10 Dec 2018: Taken from I thought it would be cool to try recreating th...

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