Publications by Kennedi Todd

Myeloid Cells Recluster


Setup Load libraries library(ComplexUpset) # upset() library(dplyr) library(ggrepel) library(ggtree) library(gtools) # smartbind() library(parallel) #detectCores() library(Seurat) # Idents() library(tibble) # rownnames_to_column() library(UpSetR) # upset() options(mc.cores = detectCores() - 1) Read object mouse.annotated <- readRDS("../../r...

1589 sym R (41268 sym/99 pcs) 38 img

Gene Enrichment Analysis: Lymphocyte Subpopulations


GEA with p_val_adj of 0.05 Setup # libraries library(gprofiler2) # read data isoform.df <- read.table("../../results/recluster/lymphocytes/DEGs/lymphocytes_DEGs_E4_vs_E3.tsv",sep="\t",header=TRUE) age.df <- read.table("../../results/recluster/lymphocytes/DEGs/lymphocytes_DEGs_14_vs_2_months.tsv",sep="\t",header=TRUE) sex.df <- read.table("../.....

117 sym R (650 sym/3 pcs)

Lymphocytes Recluster


Setup library(ComplexUpset) # upset() library(dplyr) library(ggrepel) library(ggtree) # BuildClusterTree() library(gtools) library(parallel) #detectCores() library(Seurat) # Idents() library(tibble) # rownnames_to_column() library(UpSetR) # fromList() options(mc.cores = detectCores() - 1) mouse.annotated <- readRDS("../../rObjects/mouse_annot...

1201 sym R (29407 sym/84 pcs) 31 img

APP Results


Notes This only compares SVs that made the VCF file and that were converted to BED. CNVs, translocations, aneuploidy, and complex SVs are not present in the VCF. This compares mainly insertion, deletions, and duplications. Intersect means a filter was applied. If file A intersects file B then file B is used as a filter. So, unique features in A...

1088 sym R (1850 sym/16 pcs)

Gene Enrichment Analysis: Myeloid-like and Vascular Cells


GEA with p_val_adj of 0.1 Setup # libraries library(gprofiler2) # read data isoform.df <- read.table("../../results/recluster/myeloid_like_and_vascular/DEGs/myeloid_like_and_vascular_E4_vs_E3_DEGs.tsv",sep="\t",header=TRUE) age.df <- read.table("../../results/recluster/myeloid_like_and_vascular/DEGs/myeloid_like_and_vascular_14_vs_2_months_DEGs...

1308 sym R (1065 sym/11 pcs)

Myeloid-like and Vascular Cells Recluster


Setup Load libraries library(ComplexUpset) # upset() library(dplyr) library(ggrepel) library(ggtree) library(gtools) # smartbind() library(parallel) #detectCores() library(Seurat) # Idents() library(tibble) # rownnames_to_column() library(UpSetR) # upset() options(mc.cores = detectCores() - 1) Read object mouse.annotated <- readRDS("../../r...

1368 sym R (33756 sym/98 pcs) 38 img

Mouse scRNAseq CellBender Annotation


Setup Working directory knitr::opts_knit$set( root.dir = "/research/labs/neurology/fryer/m214960/Ferreira_Da_Mesquita/scripts/R") Libraries # load packages library(ComplexUpset) # upset() library(dplyr) library(ggrepel) # geom_text_repel() library(ggtree) # BuildClusterTree() library(gtools) library(gridExtra) library(parallel) # detectCores...

4735 sym R (55100 sym/195 pcs) 84 img

Mouse scRNAseq Processing


Setup Working directory knitr::opts_knit$set( root.dir = "/research/labs/neurology/fryer/m214960/Ferreira_Da_Mesquita/scripts/R") Load libraries # load libraries library(cowplot) # plot_grid() library(dplyr) # ungroup() library(ggplot2) # ggplot() library(grid) # grid.arrange() library(gridExtra) # grid.arrange() library(parallel) # dete...

15038 sym R (34978 sym/167 pcs) 41 img

Gene Enrichment Analysis: Myeloid Cell Subpopulations


Setup # libraries library(gprofiler2) # read data isoform.df <- read.table("../../results/recluster/myeloid_cells/myeloid_cells_E4_vs_E3_DEGs.tsv",sep="\t",header=TRUE) age.df <- read.table("../../results/recluster/myeloid_cells/myeloid_cells_14_vs_2_months_DEGs.tsv",sep="\t",header=TRUE) sex.df <- read.table("../../results/recluster/myeloid_cel...

167 sym R (732 sym/5 pcs)

Gene Enrichment Analysis: Sex Up-regulated


Setup # libraries library(gprofiler2) # read data isoform.df <- read.table("../../results/DEGs/E4_vs_E3_DEGs.tsv",sep="\t",header=TRUE) age.df <- read.table("../../results/DEGs/14_vs_2_months_DEGs.tsv",sep="\t",header=TRUE) sex.df <- read.table("../../results/DEGs/female_vs_male_DEGs.tsv",sep="\t",header=TRUE) # filter by pval isoform.df <- iso...

646 sym R (801 sym/9 pcs)